BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 4ce2ca4d by Annabel Dunstone Gray

Fix pipelines spec

parent 5ac2c583
= link_to "Pipeline", "#js-tab-pipeline", data: { target: '#js-tab-pipeline', action: 'pipeline', toggle: 'tab' }
= link_to "Pipeline", "#js-tab-pipeline", data: { target: '#js-tab-pipeline', action: 'pipeline', toggle: 'tab' }, class: 'pipeline-tab'
= link_to "#js-tab-builds", data: { target: '#js-tab-builds', action: 'build', toggle: 'tab' } do
= link_to "#js-tab-builds", data: { target: '#js-tab-builds', action: 'build', toggle: 'tab' }, class: 'builds-tab' do
%span.badge= pipeline.statuses.count
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ describe 'Cherry-pick Commits' do
context "I cherry-pick a commit from a different branch", js: true do
it do
find('.commit-action-buttons a.dropdown-toggle').click
find('.header-action-buttons a.dropdown-toggle').click
find(:css, "a[href='#modal-cherry-pick-commit']").click
page.within('#modal-cherry-pick-commit') do
......@@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ describe "Pipelines" do
describe 'GET /:project/pipelines/:id' do
let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, ref: 'master') }
let(:project) { create(:project) }
let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, ref: 'master', sha: }
before do
@success = create(:ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build', name: 'build')
......@@ -156,10 +157,7 @@ describe "Pipelines" do
@external = create(:generic_commit_status, status: 'success', pipeline: pipeline, name: 'jenkins', stage: 'external')
before do
visit namespace_project_pipeline_path(project.namespace, project, pipeline)
before { visit namespace_project_pipeline_path(project.namespace, project, pipeline) }
it 'shows a list of builds' do
expect(page).to have_content('Test')
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