BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 45601cba by Michael Kozono

Link to ancestor settings page

parent a4b564b6
......@@ -104,6 +104,12 @@ module GroupsHelper
link_to, group_path(ancestor)
def remove_the_share_lock_from_ancestor_link(group)
ancestor = oldest_consecutively_locked_ancestor(group)
link_text = s_("GroupSettings|remove the share lock from %{ancestor_group_name}") % { ancestor_group_name: }
link_to link_text, edit_group_path(ancestor)
def oldest_consecutively_locked_ancestor(group)
group.ancestors.find do |group|
!group.has_parent? || !group.parent.share_with_group_lock?
......@@ -115,7 +121,7 @@ module GroupsHelper
def ancestor_locked_but_you_can_override(group)
s_("GroupSettings|This setting is applied on %{ancestor_group}. You can override the setting or remove the share lock from %{ancestor_group}.") % { ancestor_group: ancestor_group_link(group) }
s_("GroupSettings|This setting is applied on %{ancestor_group}. You can override the setting or %{remove_ancestor_share_lock}.") % { ancestor_group: ancestor_group_link(group), remove_ancestor_share_lock: remove_the_share_lock_from_ancestor_link(group) }
def ancestor_locked_so_ask_the_owner(group)
......@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ describe GroupsHelper do
let(:possible_help_texts) do
default_help: "This setting will be applied to all subgroups unless overridden by a group owner",
ancestor_locked_but_you_can_override: /This setting is applied on [\w\s<>="\/]+\. You can override the setting or remove the share lock from [\w\s<>="\/]+/,
ancestor_locked_so_ask_the_owner: /This setting is applied on [\w\s<>="\/]+\. To share projects in this group with another group, ask the owner to override the setting or remove the share lock from [\w\s<>="\/]+/,
ancestor_locked_and_has_been_overridden: /This setting is applied on [\w\s<>="\/]+ and has been overridden on this subgroup/
ancestor_locked_but_you_can_override: /This setting is applied on <a .+>.+<\/a>\. You can override the setting or <a .+>remove the share lock from .+<\/a>/,
ancestor_locked_so_ask_the_owner: /This setting is applied on <a .+>.+<\/a>\. To share projects in this group with another group, ask the owner to override the setting or remove the share lock from <a .+>.+<\/a>/,
ancestor_locked_and_has_been_overridden: /This setting is applied on <a .+>.+<\/a> and has been overridden on this subgroup/
let(:possible_linked_ancestors) do
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