BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 3fbdca21 by Roberto Dip Committed by Alfredo Sumaran

Increase the notes polling timeout over time

A file called notes is loaded every ~15 seconds which checks for updates to content on the page. This commit increases the polling timeout over time (15, 30, 60, 120 seconds) and resets it to 15 seconds if the AJAX call returns new notes Fixes issue #13300
parent ba869ae5
......@@ -16,10 +16,12 @@ class @Notes
@view = view
@noteable_url = document.URL
@notesCountBadge ||= $(".issuable-details").find(".notes-tab .badge")
@base_polling_interval = 15000
@limit_polling_interval = 120000
......@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ class @Notes
Notes.interval = setInterval =>
, 15000
, @polling_interval
refresh: ->
if not document.hidden and document.URL.indexOf(@noteable_url) is 0
......@@ -105,12 +107,28 @@ class @Notes
success: (data) =>
notes = data.notes
@last_fetched_at = data.last_fetched_at
$.each notes, (i, note) =>
if note.discussion_with_diff_html?
Increase @polling_interval up to 120 seconds on every function call,
if `shouldReset` has a truthy value, 'null' or 'undefined' the variable
will reset to @base_polling_interval.
Note: this function is used to gradually increase the polling interval
if there aren't new notes coming from the server
setPollingInterval: (shouldReset = true) ->
if shouldReset
@polling_interval = @base_polling_interval
else if @polling_interval < @limit_polling_interval
@polling_interval *= 2
Render note in main comments area.
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