BigW Consortium Gitlab

Update Issue board documentation

parent 3bfb94b7
......@@ -31,10 +31,9 @@ Below is a table of the definitions used for GitLab's Issue Board.
There are three types of lists, the ones you create based on your labels, and
two default:
- **Backlog** (default): shows all issues that do not fall in one of the other
lists. Always appears on the very left.
- **Done** (default): shows all closed issues. Always appears on the very right.
- Label list: a list based on a label. It shows all issues with that label.
- **Backlog** (default): shows all opened issues that do not fall in one of the other lists. Always appears on the very left.
- **Done** (default): shows all closed issues that do not fall in one of the other lists. Always appears on the very right.
- Label list: a list based on a label. It shows all opened or closed issues with that label.
![GitLab Issue Board](img/issue_board.png)
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