BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 3d4d8e59 by Phil Hughes Committed by Fatih Acet

Changed design of inline award picker to be similar to designs

# Conflicts: # app/views/votes/_votes_block.html.haml
parent 7d4f41ef
.awards {
line-height: 34px;
.emoji-icon {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
......@@ -309,3 +309,15 @@ ul.notes {
.note-awards {
.awards {
padding-top: 10px;
.award-control {
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
font-size: 13px;
......@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
= markdown(note.note, pipeline: :note, cache_key: [note, "note"])
- if note_editable
= render 'projects/notes/edit_form', note: note
= render 'emoji_awards/awards_block', awardable: note, inline: false
= render 'emoji_awards/awards_block', awardable: note, inline: false
= edited_time_ago_with_tooltip(note, placement: 'bottom', html_class: 'note_edited_ago', include_author: true)
- if note.attachment.url
.awards.votes-block{data: { toggle_url: url_for([:toggle_award_emoji, @project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, awardable]) }}
- awards_sort(awardable.grouped_awards).each do |emoji, awards|
%button.btn.award-control.js-emoji-btn.has-tooltip{class: (note_active_class(awards, current_user)), data: {placement: "top", original_title: emoji_author_list(awards, current_user)}}
= emoji_icon(emoji, sprite: false)
= awards.count
- if current_user
%a.btn.award-control.js-add-award{"href" => "#"}
= icon('smile-o', {class: "award-control-icon"})
= icon('spinner spin', {class: "award-control-icon award-control-icon-loading"})
- if current_user
var getEmojisUrl = "#{emojis_path}";
var postEmojiUrl = "#{award_toggle_namespace_project_notes_path(@project.namespace, @project)}";
var noteableType = "#{}";
var noteableId = "#{}";
var unicodes = #{AwardEmoji.unicode.to_json};
window.awardsHandler = new AwardsHandler(
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