BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 39763688 by Kushal Pandya

Add `convertObjectPropsToCamelCase` helper method

parent 99a5c4b9
import axios from './axios_utils';
import { getLocationHash } from './url_utility';
import { convertToCamelCase } from './text_utility';
export const getPagePath = (index = 0) => $('body').attr('data-page').split(':')[index];
......@@ -395,6 +396,26 @@ export const spriteIcon = (icon, className = '') => {
return `<svg ${classAttribute}><use xlink:href="${gon.sprite_icons}#${icon}" /></svg>`;
* This method takes in object with snake_case property names
* and returns new object with camelCase property names
* Reasoning for this method is to ensure consistent property
* naming conventions across JS code.
export const convertObjectPropsToCamelCase = (obj = {}) => {
if (obj === null) {
return {};
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, prop) => {
const result = acc;
result[convertToCamelCase(prop)] = obj[prop];
return acc;
}, {});
export const imagePath = imgUrl => `${gon.asset_host || ''}${gon.relative_url_root || ''}/assets/${imgUrl}`; = || {};
......@@ -480,4 +480,33 @@ describe('common_utils', () => {
expect(commonUtils.spriteIcon('test', 'fa fa-test')).toEqual('<svg class="fa fa-test"><use xlink:href="icons.svg#test" /></svg>');
describe('convertObjectPropsToCamelCase', () => {
it('returns new object with camelCase property names by converting object with snake_case names', () => {
const snakeRegEx = /(_\w)/g;
const mockObj = {
id: 1,
group_name: '',
absolute_web_url: '',
const mappings = {
id: 'id',
groupName: 'group_name',
absoluteWebUrl: 'absolute_web_url',
const convertedObj = commonUtils.convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(mockObj);
Object.keys(convertedObj).forEach((prop) => {
it('return empty object if method is called with null or undefined', () => {
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