BigW Consortium Gitlab

Better colors for text

parent edd4ff28
$hover: #FFFAF1;
$gl-text-color: #54565b;
$gl-text-color: #54565B;
$gl-text-green: #4A2;
$gl-text-red: #D12F19;
$gl-text-orange: #D90;
$gl-header-color: #4c4e54;
$gl-link-color: #333c48;
$md-text-color: #444;
/** COLORS **/
.cgray { color: $gl-gray; }
.clgray { color: #BBB }
.cred { color: #D12F19 }
.cgreen { color: #4a2 }
.cred { color: $gl-text-red; }
.cgreen { color: $gl-text-green; }
.cdark { color: #444 }
......@@ -60,17 +60,17 @@
.new-file {
a {
color: $gl-success;
color: $gl-text-green;
.renamed-file {
a {
color: $gl-warning;
color: $gl-text-orange;
.deleted-file {
a {
color: $gl-danger;
color: $gl-text-red;
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