BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 362f2226 by Shinya Maeda

Improve by zj nice catches

parent fb8f32a9
......@@ -290,12 +290,12 @@ Create a new variable of a pipeline schedule.
POST /projects/:id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables
| Attribute | Type | required | Description |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project]( owned by the authenticated user |
| `pipeline_schedule_id` | integer | yes | The pipeline schedule id |
| `key` | string | yes | The `key` of a variable; must have no more than 255 characters; only `A-Z`, `a-z`, `0-9`, and `_` are allowed |
| `value` | string | yes | The `value` of a variable |
| Attribute | Type | required | Description |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project]( owned by the authenticated user |
| `pipeline_schedule_id` | integer | yes | The pipeline schedule id |
| `key` | string | yes | The `key` of a variable; must have no more than 255 characters; only `A-Z`, `a-z`, `0-9`, and `_` are allowed |
| `value` | string | yes | The `value` of a variable |
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: k5ESFgWY2Qf5xEvDcFxZ" --form "key=NEW_VARIABLE" --form "value=new value" ""
......@@ -316,12 +316,12 @@ Updates the variable of a pipeline schedule.
PUT /projects/:id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables/:key
| Attribute | Type | required | Description |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project]( owned by the authenticated user |
| `pipeline_schedule_id` | integer | yes | The pipeline schedule id |
| `key` | string | yes | The `key` of a variable |
| `value` | string | yes | The `value` of a variable |
| Attribute | Type | required | Description |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project]( owned by the authenticated user |
| `pipeline_schedule_id` | integer | yes | The pipeline schedule id |
| `key` | string | yes | The `key` of a variable |
| `value` | string | yes | The `value` of a variable |
curl --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: k5ESFgWY2Qf5xEvDcFxZ" --form "value=updated value" ""
......@@ -342,18 +342,21 @@ Delete the variable of a pipeline schedule.
DELETE /projects/:id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables/:key
| Attribute | Type | required | Description |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project]( owned by the authenticated user |
| `pipeline_schedule_id` | integer | yes | The pipeline schedule id |
| `key` | string | yes | The `key` of a variable |
| Attribute | Type | required | Description |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project]( owned by the authenticated user |
| `pipeline_schedule_id` | integer | yes | The pipeline schedule id |
| `key` | string | yes | The `key` of a variable |
curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: k5ESFgWY2Qf5xEvDcFxZ" ""
// Empty
"key": "NEW_VARIABLE",
"value": "updated value"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ module API
class Variable < Grape::Entity
expose :key, :value
expose :protected?, as: :protected, if: -> (entity, options) { entity.respond_to?(:protected?) }
expose :protected?, as: :protected, if: -> (entity, _) { entity.respond_to?(:protected?) }
class Pipeline < PipelineBasic
......@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ module API
get ':id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id' do
authorize! :read_pipeline_schedule, user_project
not_found!('PipelineSchedule') unless pipeline_schedule
present pipeline_schedule, with: Entities::PipelineScheduleDetails
......@@ -75,8 +73,6 @@ module API
put ':id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id' do
authorize! :read_pipeline_schedule, user_project
not_found!('PipelineSchedule') unless pipeline_schedule
authorize! :update_pipeline_schedule, pipeline_schedule
if pipeline_schedule.update(declared_params(include_missing: false))
......@@ -94,8 +90,6 @@ module API
post ':id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/take_ownership' do
authorize! :read_pipeline_schedule, user_project
not_found!('PipelineSchedule') unless pipeline_schedule
authorize! :update_pipeline_schedule, pipeline_schedule
if pipeline_schedule.own!(current_user)
......@@ -113,8 +107,6 @@ module API
delete ':id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id' do
authorize! :read_pipeline_schedule, user_project
not_found!('PipelineSchedule') unless pipeline_schedule
authorize! :admin_pipeline_schedule, pipeline_schedule
......@@ -130,8 +122,6 @@ module API
post ':id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables' do
authorize! :read_pipeline_schedule, user_project
not_found!('PipelineSchedule') unless pipeline_schedule
authorize! :update_pipeline_schedule, pipeline_schedule
variable_params = declared_params(include_missing: false)
......@@ -153,17 +143,12 @@ module API
put ':id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables/:key' do
authorize! :read_pipeline_schedule, user_project
not_found!('PipelineSchedule') unless pipeline_schedule
authorize! :update_pipeline_schedule, pipeline_schedule
variable = pipeline_schedule.variables.find_by(key: params[:key])
not_found!('Variable') unless variable
if variable.update(declared_params(include_missing: false))
present variable, with: Entities::Variable
if pipeline_schedule_variable.update(declared_params(include_missing: false))
present pipeline_schedule_variable, with: Entities::Variable
......@@ -176,15 +161,10 @@ module API
delete ':id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables/:key' do
authorize! :read_pipeline_schedule, user_project
not_found!('PipelineSchedule') unless pipeline_schedule
authorize! :admin_pipeline_schedule, pipeline_schedule
variable = pipeline_schedule.variables.find_by(key: params[:key])
not_found!('Variable') unless variable
status :accepted
present variable.destroy, with: Entities::Variable
present pipeline_schedule_variable.destroy, with: Entities::Variable
......@@ -194,6 +174,15 @@ module API
.preload(:owner, :last_pipeline)
.find_by(id: params.delete(:pipeline_schedule_id))
@pipeline_schedule || not_found!('Pipeline Schedule')
def pipeline_schedule_variable
@pipeline_schedule_variable ||=
pipeline_schedule.variables.find_by(key: params[:key])
@pipeline_schedule_variable || not_found!('Pipeline Schedule Variable')
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ describe API::PipelineSchedules do
describe 'POST /projects/:id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables' do
let(:params) { attributes_for(:ci_pipeline_schedule_variable) }
let(:pipeline_schedule) do
set(:pipeline_schedule) do
create(:ci_pipeline_schedule, project: project, owner: developer)
......@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ describe API::PipelineSchedules do
describe 'PUT /projects/:id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables/:key' do
let(:pipeline_schedule) do
set(:pipeline_schedule) do
create(:ci_pipeline_schedule, project: project, owner: developer)
......@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ describe API::PipelineSchedules do
describe 'DELETE /projects/:id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables/:key' do
let(:master) { create(:user) }
let!(:pipeline_schedule) do
set(:pipeline_schedule) do
create(:ci_pipeline_schedule, project: project, owner: developer)
......@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ describe API::PipelineSchedules do
context 'authenticated user with invalid permissions' do # TODO:
context 'authenticated user with invalid permissions' do
let!(:pipeline_schedule) { create(:ci_pipeline_schedule, project: project, owner: master) }
it 'does not delete pipeline_schedule_variable' do
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