BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 34eea295 by Lin Jen-Shin

Fix test and only show job status title if it's

cancelled and the pipeline is auto-cancelled.
parent 2d4fd769
......@@ -11,5 +11,11 @@ module Ci
def erased_by_name if erased_by_user?
def status_title
if canceled? && pipeline.auto_canceled?
"Job is redundant and is auto-canceled by Pipeline ##{pipeline.auto_canceled_by_id}"
- pipeline = @build.pipeline.present(current_user: current_user)
- pipeline = @build.pipeline
= render 'ci/status/badge', status: @build.detailed_status(current_user), link: false, title: pipeline.status_title
= render 'ci/status/badge', status: @build.detailed_status(current_user), link: false, title: @build.status_title
%strong.js-build-id ##{}
in pipeline
- job = build.present(current_user: current_user)
- pipeline = job.pipeline
- admin = local_assigns.fetch(:admin, false)
- ref = local_assigns.fetch(:ref, nil)
- commit_sha = local_assigns.fetch(:commit_sha, nil)
......@@ -6,48 +8,47 @@
- stage = local_assigns.fetch(:stage, false)
- coverage = local_assigns.fetch(:coverage, false)
- allow_retry = local_assigns.fetch(:allow_retry, false)
- pipeline = build.pipeline.present(current_user: current_user){ class: ('retried' if retried) }
= render "ci/status/badge", status: build.detailed_status(current_user), title: pipeline.status_title
= render "ci/status/badge", status: job.detailed_status(current_user), title: job.status_title
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, build)
= link_to namespace_project_build_url(build.project.namespace, build.project, build) do ##{}
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, job)
= link_to namespace_project_build_url(job.project.namespace, job.project, job) do ##{}
- else ##{} ##{}
- if ref
- if build.ref
- if job.ref
= build.tag? ? icon('tag') : icon('code-fork')
= link_to build.ref, namespace_project_commits_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build.ref), class: "monospace branch-name"
= job.tag? ? icon('tag') : icon('code-fork')
= link_to job.ref, namespace_project_commits_path(job.project.namespace, job.project, job.ref), class: "monospace branch-name"
- else
.light none
= custom_icon("icon_commit")
- if commit_sha
= link_to build.short_sha, namespace_project_commit_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build.sha), class: "commit-id monospace"
= link_to job.short_sha, namespace_project_commit_path(job.project.namespace, job.project, job.sha), class: "commit-id monospace"
- if build.stuck?
- if job.stuck?
= icon('warning', class: 'text-warning has-tooltip', title: 'Job is stuck. Check runners.')
- if retried
= icon('refresh', class: 'text-warning has-tooltip', title: 'Job was retried')
- if build.tags.any?
- build.tags.each do |tag|
- if job.tags.any?
- job.tags.each do |tag|
= tag
- if build.try(:trigger_request)
- if job.try(:trigger_request)
%span.label.label-info triggered
- if build.try(:allow_failure)
- if job.try(:allow_failure)
%span.label.label-danger allowed to fail
- if build.action?
- if job.action?
%span.label.label-info manual
- if pipeline_link
......@@ -62,49 +63,49 @@
- if admin
- if build.project
= link_to build.project.name_with_namespace, admin_namespace_project_path(build.project.namespace, build.project)
- if job.project
= link_to job.project.name_with_namespace, admin_namespace_project_path(job.project.namespace, job.project)
- if build.try(:runner)
= runner_link(build.runner)
- if job.try(:runner)
= runner_link(job.runner)
- else
.light none
- if stage
= build.stage
= job.stage
- if build.duration
- if job.duration
= custom_icon("icon_timer")
= duration_in_numbers(build.duration)
= duration_in_numbers(job.duration)
- if build.finished_at
- if job.finished_at
= icon("calendar")
%span= time_ago_with_tooltip(build.finished_at)
%span= time_ago_with_tooltip(job.finished_at)
- if coverage && build.try(:coverage)
- if coverage && job.try(:coverage)
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, build) && build.artifacts?
= link_to download_namespace_project_build_artifacts_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build), rel: 'nofollow', download: '', title: 'Download artifacts', class: 'btn btn-build' do
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, job) && job.artifacts?
= link_to download_namespace_project_build_artifacts_path(job.project.namespace, job.project, job), rel: 'nofollow', download: '', title: 'Download artifacts', class: 'btn btn-build' do
= icon('download')
- if can?(current_user, :update_build, build)
- if
= link_to cancel_namespace_project_build_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build, return_to: request.original_url), method: :post, title: 'Cancel', class: 'btn btn-build' do
- if can?(current_user, :update_build, job)
- if
= link_to cancel_namespace_project_build_path(job.project.namespace, job.project, job, return_to: request.original_url), method: :post, title: 'Cancel', class: 'btn btn-build' do
= icon('remove', class: 'cred')
- elsif allow_retry
- if build.playable? && !admin
= link_to play_namespace_project_build_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build, return_to: request.original_url), method: :post, title: 'Play', class: 'btn btn-build' do
- if job.playable? && !admin
= link_to play_namespace_project_build_path(job.project.namespace, job.project, job, return_to: request.original_url), method: :post, title: 'Play', class: 'btn btn-build' do
= custom_icon('icon_play')
- elsif build.retryable?
= link_to retry_namespace_project_build_path(build.project.namespace, build.project, build, return_to: request.original_url), method: :post, title: 'Retry', class: 'btn btn-build' do
- elsif job.retryable?
= link_to retry_namespace_project_build_path(job.project.namespace, job.project, job, return_to: request.original_url), method: :post, title: 'Retry', class: 'btn btn-build' do
= icon('repeat')
......@@ -5,7 +5,13 @@ describe 'projects/pipelines/show' do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) }
let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project, sha:, user: user) }
let(:pipeline) do
project: project,
user: user)
before do
......@@ -21,7 +27,7 @@ describe 'projects/pipelines/show' do
create(:generic_commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'external', name: 'jenkins', stage_idx: 3)
assign(:project, project)
assign(:pipeline, pipeline)
assign(:pipeline, pipeline.present(current_user: user))
assign(:commit, project.commit)
allow(view).to receive(:can?).and_return(true)
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