BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 34655464 by Z.J. van de Weg Committed by Timothy Andrew

Fix merge conflicts on pipeline schedules

parent 16977ad3
......@@ -28,17 +28,12 @@ module Ci
<<<<<<< HEAD
def importing_or_inactive?
importing? || inactive?
def deactivate!
update_attribute(:active, false)
def runnable_by_owner?
Ability.allowed?(owner, :create_pipeline, project)
>>>>>>> 9dfecec... Merge branch '32790-pipeline_schedules-pages-throwing-error-500' into 'master'
def set_next_run_at
......@@ -4,12 +4,9 @@
= pipeline_schedule.description
= icon('code-fork')
<<<<<<< HEAD
= link_to pipeline_schedule.ref, namespace_project_commits_path(@project.namespace, @project, pipeline_schedule.ref), class: "branch-name"
- if pipeline_schedule.ref
= link_to pipeline_schedule.ref, project_ref_path(@project, pipeline_schedule.ref), class: "ref-name"
>>>>>>> 9dfecec... Merge branch '32790-pipeline_schedules-pages-throwing-error-500' into 'master'
= link_to pipeline_schedule.ref, namespace_project_commits_path(@project.namespace, @project, pipeline_schedule.ref), class: "branch-name"
- if pipeline_schedule.last_pipeline
.status-icon-container{ class: "ci-status-icon-#{pipeline_schedule.last_pipeline.status}" }
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