BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 2fcc1f7e by Yorick Peterse

Merge branch 'sh-add-labels-index' into 'master'

Add indices to improve loading of labels page Closes #25413 See merge request !9121
parents 79d68383 97739f15
title: Add indices to improve loading of labels page
class AddIndexToLabelsForTitleAndProject < ActiveRecord::Migration
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def change
add_concurrent_index :labels, :title
add_concurrent_index :labels, :project_id
......@@ -581,6 +581,8 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20170210075922) do
add_index "labels", ["group_id", "project_id", "title"], name: "index_labels_on_group_id_and_project_id_and_title", unique: true, using: :btree
add_index "labels", ["type", "project_id"], name: "index_labels_on_type_and_project_id", using: :btree
add_index "labels", ["project_id"], name: "index_labels_on_project_id", using: :btree
add_index "labels", ["title"], name: "index_labels_on_title", using: :btree
create_table "lfs_objects", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "oid", null: false
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