BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 2db00dd5 by Douwe Maan

Merge branch 'rs-redundant-features' into 'master'

Remove redundant integration tests These three tests were essentially checking that adding a note to something updated its `noteable`'s `updated_at` attribute. This is well-tested Rails behavior and we shouldn't feel the need to write an integration test to verify it. At most we should be ensuring that the association definition adds the `touch: true` option, which we now do in Note's unit test. See merge request !3117
parents afb8d76f 56c4f22c
......@@ -59,14 +59,6 @@ Feature: Project Issues
And I should see an error alert section within the comment form
Scenario: Visiting Issues after leaving a comment
Given I visit issue page "Release 0.4"
And I leave a comment like "XML attached"
And I visit project "Shop" issues page
And I sort the list by "Last updated"
Then I should see "Release 0.4" at the top
Scenario: Visiting Issues after being sorted the list
Given I visit project "Shop" issues page
And I sort the list by "Oldest updated"
......@@ -87,15 +87,6 @@ Feature: Project Merge Requests
Then I should see comment "XML attached"
Scenario: Visiting Merge Requests after leaving a comment
Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-04"
And I leave a comment like "XML attached"
And I visit project "Shop" merge requests page
And I sort the list by "Last updated"
Then I should see "Bug NS-04" at the top
Scenario: Visiting Merge Requests after being sorted the list
Given I visit project "Shop" merge requests page
And I sort the list by "Oldest updated"
......@@ -129,16 +120,6 @@ Feature: Project Merge Requests
Then The list should be sorted by "Least popular"
Scenario: Visiting Merge Requests after commenting on diffs
Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
And I click on the Changes tab
And I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on diff
And I visit project "Shop" merge requests page
And I sort the list by "Last updated"
Then I should see "Bug NS-05" at the top
Scenario: I comment on a merge request diff
Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
......@@ -355,10 +355,6 @@ class Spinach::Features::ProjectIssues < Spinach::FeatureSteps
step 'I should see "Release 0.4" at the top' do
expect(page.find('ul.content-list.issues-list li.issue:first-child')).to have_content("Release 0.4")
def filter_issue(text)
fill_in 'issue_search', with: text
......@@ -517,14 +517,6 @@ class Spinach::Features::ProjectMergeRequests < Spinach::FeatureSteps
step 'I should see "Bug NS-05" at the top' do
expect(page.find(' li.merge-request:first-child')).to have_content("Bug NS-05")
step 'I should see "Bug NS-04" at the top' do
expect(page.find(' li.merge-request:first-child')).to have_content("Bug NS-04")
def merge_request
@merge_request ||= MergeRequest.find_by!(title: "Bug NS-05")
......@@ -144,11 +144,4 @@ module SharedNote
expect(page).to have_content("+1 Awesome!")
step 'I sort the list by "Last updated"' do
page.within('ul.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-align-right li') do
click_link "Last updated"
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe Note, models: true do
describe 'associations' do
it { belong_to(:project) }
it { belong_to(:noteable) }
it { belong_to(:noteable).touch(true) }
it { belong_to(:author).class_name('User') }
it { have_many(:todos).dependent(:destroy) }
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