BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 2d4ffce8 by Robert Speicher

Loosen help page parameter constraints for category

parent 3052e894
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class HelpController < ApplicationController
def show
category = clean_path_info(path_params[:category])
file = clean_path_info(path_params[:file])
file = path_params[:file]
respond_to do |format|
format.any(:markdown, :md, :html) do
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Gitlab::Application.routes.draw do
# Help
get 'help' => 'help#index'
get 'help/:category/:file' => 'help#show', as: :help_page, constraints: { category: /[^\.]+/, file: /[^\.]+/ }
get 'help/:category/:file' => 'help#show', as: :help_page, constraints: { category: /.*/, file: /[^\/\.]+/ }
get 'help/shortcuts'
get 'help/ui' => 'help#ui'
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ describe SnippetsController, "routing" do
# help GET /help(.:format) help#index
# help_page GET /help/:category/:file(.:format) help#show {:category=>/[^\.]+/, :file=>/[^\.]+/}
# help_page GET /help/:category/:file(.:format) help#show {:category=>/.*/, :file=>/[^\/\.]+/}
# help_shortcuts GET /help/shortcuts(.:format) help#shortcuts
# help_ui GET /help/ui(.:format) help#ui
describe HelpController, "routing" do
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