BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 294acf1c by Alex Braha Stoll

Remove root directory name from index of wikis

parent 91e1701b
- wiki_pages.each do |wiki_page|
= link_to wiki_page.title, namespace_project_wiki_path(@project.namespace, @project, wiki_page)
%small (#{wiki_page.format})
%small Last edited #{time_ago_with_tooltip(wiki_page.commit.authored_date)}
......@@ -15,13 +15,12 @@
- @wiki_directories.each do |wiki_directory, wiki_pages|
= wiki_directory
- wiki_pages.each do |wiki_page|
= link_to wiki_page.title, namespace_project_wiki_path(@project.namespace, @project, wiki_page)
%small (#{wiki_page.format})
%small Last edited #{time_ago_with_tooltip(wiki_page.commit.authored_date)}
- if wiki_directory == '/'
= render 'wiki_pages', wiki_pages: wiki_pages
- else
= wiki_directory
= render 'wiki_pages', wiki_pages: wiki_pages
= paginate @wiki_pages, theme: 'gitlab'
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