BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 2650d5f8 by Rémy Coutable

Improve the branch existence and merge checks

Also add a safeguard for non-CI env. Signed-off-by: 's avatarRémy Coutable <>
parent 069f2d34
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ rake ce_to_ee_merge_check:
- branches
- tags
- master
allow_failure: yes
rake db:migrate:reset:
stage: test
desc 'Checks if the branch would apply cleanly to EE'
task ce_to_ee_merge_check: :environment do
return if defined?(Gitlab::License)
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ namespace :gitlab do
namespace :dev do
desc 'Checks if the branch would apply cleanly to EE'
task ce_to_ee_merge_check: :environment do
return if defined?(Gitlab::License)
return unless ENV['CI']
ce_repo = ENV['CI_BUILD_REPO']
ce_branch = ENV['CI_BUILD_REF_NAME']
......@@ -17,27 +20,28 @@ namespace :gitlab do
# Try to merge the current tested branch to EE/master...
puts "\n => Merging #{ce_repo}/#{ce_branch} into #{ee_repo}/master\n"
`git merge --ff-only FETCH_HEAD`
`git merge FETCH_HEAD`
exit 0 if $?.success?
# Try to merge a possible <branch>-ee branch to EE/master...
puts "\n => Merging #{ee_repo}/#{ee_branch} into #{ee_repo}/master\n"
`git merge --ff-only #{ee_branch}`
# Check if the <branch>-ee branch exists...
puts "\n => Check if #{ee_repo}/#{ee_branch} exists\n"
`git rev-parse --verify #{ee_branch}`
# The <branch>-ee doesn't exist
if $?.exitstatus == 1
unless $?.success?
puts <<-MSG.strip_heredoc
The #{ce_branch} branch cannot be merged without conflicts to the
current EE/master, and no #{ee_branch} branch was detected in
the EE repository.
Please create a #{ee_branch} branch that includes changes
Please create a #{ee_branch} branch that includes changes from
#{ce_branch} but also specific changes than can be applied cleanly
to EE/master.
You can create this branch as follow:
You can create this branch as follows:
1. In the EE repo:
$ git fetch origin
......@@ -45,7 +49,8 @@ namespace :gitlab do
$ git checkout -b #{ee_branch} FETCH_HEAD
$ git rebase origin/master
2. At this point you will likely have conflicts, solve them, and
continue/finish the rebase.
continue/finish the rebase. Note: You can squash the CE commits
before rebasing.
3. You can squash all the original #{ce_branch} commits into a
single "Port of #{ce_branch} to EE".
4. Push your branch to #{ee_repo}:
......@@ -56,10 +61,15 @@ namespace :gitlab do
exit 1
# Try to merge the <branch>-ee branch to EE/master...
puts "\n => Merging #{ee_repo}/#{ee_branch} into #{ee_repo}/master\n"
`git merge #{ee_branch} master`
# The <branch>-ee cannot be merged cleanly to EE/master...
unless $?.success?
puts <<-MSG.strip_heredoc
The #{ce_branch} branch cannot be merged without conflicts to
EE/master, and even though the #{ee_branch} branch exists in the EE
repository, it cannot be merged without conflicts to EE/master.
......@@ -73,13 +83,14 @@ namespace :gitlab do
puts "\n => Merging #{ce_repo}/#{ce_branch} into #{ee_repo}/master\n"
`git merge --ff-only FETCH_HEAD`
`git merge FETCH_HEAD`
exit 0 if $?.success?
# The <branch>-ee can be merged cleanly to EE/master, but <branch> still
# cannot be merged cleanly to EE/master...
puts <<-MSG.strip_heredoc
The #{ce_branch} branch cannot be merged without conflicts to EE, and
even though the #{ee_branch} branch exists in the EE repository and
applies cleanly to EE/master, it doesn't prevent conflicts when
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