BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 24b456e6 by Alfredo Sumaran

Move line to a better place

parent 7feda1a3
......@@ -52,10 +52,9 @@ export default class GroupsStore {
Object.keys(mappedGroups).map((key) => {
const currentGroup = mappedGroups[key];
// If the group is not at the root level, add it to its parent array of subGroups.
const findParentGroup = mappedGroups[currentGroup.parentId];
if (currentGroup.parentId) {
// If the group is not at the root level, add it to its parent array of subGroups.
const findParentGroup = mappedGroups[currentGroup.parentId];
if (findParentGroup) {
mappedGroups[currentGroup.parentId].subGroups[] = currentGroup;
mappedGroups[currentGroup.parentId].isOpen = true; // Expand group if it has subgroups
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