BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 23e36202 by Drew Blessing

Improve Help navigation UI

Make hash keys symbols
parent 477e9f87
.span3{:"data-spy" => 'affix'}
%strong= link_to "Workflow", help_workflow_path
%strong= link_to "SSH keys", help_ssh_path
%strong= link_to "GitLab Markdown", help_markdown_path
%strong= link_to "Permissions", help_permissions_path
%strong= link_to "API", help_api_path
%strong= link_to "Web Hooks", help_web_hooks_path
%strong= link_to "Rake Tasks", help_raketasks_path
%strong= link_to "System Hooks", help_system_hooks_path
%strong= link_to "Public Access", help_public_access_path
%strong= link_to "Security", help_security_path Help
- links = {:"Workflow" => help_workflow_path, :"SSH Keys" => help_ssh_path, :"GitLab Markdown" => help_markdown_path, :"Permissions" => help_permissions_path, :"API" => help_api_path, :"Web Hooks" => help_web_hooks_path, :"Rake Tasks" => help_raketasks_path, :"System Hooks" => help_system_hooks_path, :"Public Access" => help_public_access_path, :"Security" => help_security_path}
- links.each do |title,path|
%li{class: current_page?(path) ? 'active' : nil}
= link_to title, path
= yield
Markdown is supported
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