BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 21ea4863 by Filipa Lacerda

Fixes broken build: Use jquery to get the element position in the page

parent 74607020
......@@ -18,11 +18,10 @@ feature 'toggler_behavior', js: true, feature: true do
it 'should be scrolled down to fragment' do
page_height = page.current_window.size[1]
page_scroll_y = page.evaluate_script("window.scrollY")
fragment_position_top = page.evaluate_script("document.querySelector('#{fragment_id}').getBoundingClientRect().top")
fragment_position_top = page.evaluate_script("$('#{fragment_id}').offset().top")
expect(find('.js-toggle-content').visible?).to eq true
expect(find(fragment_id).visible?).to eq true
expect(fragment_position_top).to be > page_scroll_y
expect(fragment_position_top).to be >= page_scroll_y
expect(fragment_position_top).to be < (page_scroll_y + page_height)
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