BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 1fe6beae by Jacopo

Notes: Warning message should go away once resolved

Flash error messages disappear(`fadeOut`) automatically after any successful request
parent 361b2b13
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ const normalizeNewlines = function(str) {
this.keydownNoteText = this.keydownNoteText.bind(this);
this.toggleCommitList = this.toggleCommitList.bind(this);
this.postComment = this.postComment.bind(this);
this.clearFlashWrapper = this.clearFlash.bind(this);
this.notes_url = notes_url;
this.note_ids = note_ids;
......@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ const normalizeNewlines = function(str) {
this.notesCountBadge || (this.notesCountBadge = $(".issuable-details").find(".notes-tab .badge"));
this.basePollingInterval = 15000;
this.maxPollingSteps = 4;
this.flashErrors = [];
......@@ -298,7 +300,7 @@ const normalizeNewlines = function(str) {
if (!noteEntity.valid) {
if (noteEntity.errors.commands_only) {
new Flash(noteEntity.errors.commands_only, 'notice', this.parentTimeline);
this.addFlash(noteEntity.errors.commands_only, 'notice', this.parentTimeline);
......@@ -551,14 +553,14 @@ const normalizeNewlines = function(str) {
return this.renderNote(note);
Notes.prototype.addNoteError = ($form) => {
Notes.prototype.addNoteError = function($form) {
let formParentTimeline;
if ($form.hasClass('js-main-target-form')) {
formParentTimeline = $form.parents('.timeline');
} else if ($form.hasClass('js-discussion-note-form')) {
formParentTimeline = $form.closest('.discussion-notes').find('.notes');
return new Flash('Your comment could not be submitted! Please check your network connection and try again.', 'alert', formParentTimeline);
return this.addFlash('Your comment could not be submitted! Please check your network connection and try again.', 'alert', formParentTimeline);
Notes.prototype.updateNoteError = $parentTimeline => new Flash('Your comment could not be updated! Please check your network connection and try again.');
......@@ -1101,6 +1103,15 @@ const normalizeNewlines = function(str) {
Notes.prototype.addFlash = function(...flashParams) {
this.flashErrors.push(new Flash(...flashParams));
Notes.prototype.clearFlash = function() {
this.flashErrors.forEach(flash => flash.flashContainer.remove());
this.flashErrors = [];
Notes.prototype.cleanForm = function($form) {
// Remove JS classes that are not needed here
......@@ -1281,6 +1292,8 @@ const normalizeNewlines = function(str) {
.then((note) => {
// Submission successful! remove placeholder
// Clear previous form errors
// Check if this was discussion comment
if (isDiscussionForm) {
title: 'Notes: Warning message should go away once resolved'
merge_request: 10823
author: Jacopo Beschi @jacopo-beschi
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import '~/notes';
gl.utils = gl.utils || {};
describe('Notes', function() {
const FLASH_TYPE_ALERT = 'alert';
var commentsTemplate = 'issues/issue_with_comment.html.raw';
......@@ -460,5 +461,33 @@ import '~/notes';
describe('appendFlash', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
this.notes = new Notes();
it('shows a flash message', () => {
this.notes.addFlash('Error message', FLASH_TYPE_ALERT, this.notes.parentTimeline);
describe('clearFlash', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
this.notes = new Notes();
it('removes all the associated flash messages', () => {
this.notes.addFlash('Error message 1', FLASH_TYPE_ALERT, this.notes.parentTimeline);
this.notes.addFlash('Error message 2', FLASH_TYPE_ALERT, this.notes.parentTimeline);
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