BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 1d95958b by Phil Hughes

Changelog fix for search dropdown arrow keys fix

parent e0f3e44b
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ v 8.9.0 (unreleased)
- Fix endless redirections when accessing user OAuth applications when they are disabled
- Allow enabling wiki page events from Webhook management UI
- Bump rouge to 1.11.0
- Fix issue with arrow keys not working in search autocomplete dropdown
- Make EmailsOnPushWorker use Sidekiq mailers queue
- Fix wiki page events' webhook to point to the wiki repository
- Fix issue todo not remove when leave project !4150 (Long Nguyen)
......@@ -64,7 +65,6 @@ v 8.9.0 (unreleased)
v 8.8.5 (unreleased)
- Ensure branch cleanup regardless of whether the GitHub import process succeeds
- Fix issue with arrow keys not working in search autocomplete dropdown
- Fix todos page throwing errors when you have a project pending deletion
- Reduce number of SQL queries when rendering user references
- Import GitHub repositories respecting the API rate limit
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