BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 1c275a75 by Lin Jen-Shin

Update description stating that ordering is important

Feedback from Grzegorz
parent 13d009ce
......@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ describe Ci::Pipeline, models: true do
context 'when no ref is specified' do
let(:pipelines) { described_class.latest.all }
it 'returns the latest pipelines for the same ref and different sha' do
it 'gives the latest pipelines for the same ref and different sha in reverse chronological order' do
expect( eq(%w[C B A])
expect( eq(%w[skipped failed success])
......@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ describe Ci::Pipeline, models: true do
context 'when ref is specified' do
let(:pipelines) { described_class.latest('ref').all }
it 'returns the latest pipelines for ref and different sha' do
it 'gives the latest pipelines for ref and different sha in reverse chronological order' do
expect( eq(%w[B A])
expect( eq(%w[failed success])
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