BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 1a79613d by Alfredo Sumaran

Move CHANGELOG entry to 8.8

parent d809507e
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 8.8.0 (unreleased)
- Remove future dates from contribution calendar graph.
- Fix error when visiting commit builds page before build was updated
- Add 'l' shortcut to open Label dropdown on issuables and 'i' to create new issue on a project
v 8.7.1 (unreleased)
- Fix .gitlab-ci.yml parsing issue when hidde job is a template without script definition. !3849
......@@ -118,7 +119,6 @@ v 8.7.0
- Show number sign on external issue reference text (Florent Baldino)
- Updated print style for issues
- Use GitHub Issue/PR number as iid to keep references
- Add 'l' shortcut to open Label dropdown on issuables and 'i' to create new issue on a project
- Import GitHub labels
- Add option to filter by "Owned projects" on dashboard page
- Import GitHub milestones
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