BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 1a2ba2af by Clement Ho Committed by Sean McGivern

Backport Extract epic nav into separate partial for easier CE => EE

parent 515c619c
- type = local_assigns.fetch(:type, :issues)
- page_context_word = type.to_s.humanize(capitalize: false)
- issuables = @issues || @merge_requests
%li{ class: active_when(params[:state] == 'opened') }>
......@@ -20,6 +19,4 @@
= link_to page_filter_path(state: 'closed', label: true), id: 'state-closed', title: 'Filter by issues that are currently closed.', data: { state: 'closed' } do
#{issuables_state_counter_text(type, :closed)}
%li{ class: active_when(params[:state] == 'all') }>
= link_to page_filter_path(state: 'all', label: true), id: 'state-all', title: "Show all #{page_context_word}.", data: { state: 'all' } do
#{issuables_state_counter_text(type, :all)}
= render 'shared/issuable/nav_links/all', page_context_word: page_context_word, counter: issuables_state_counter_text(type, :all)
- page_context_word = local_assigns.fetch(:page_context_word)
- counter = local_assigns.fetch(:counter)
%li{ class: active_when(params[:state] == 'all') }>
= link_to page_filter_path(state: 'all', label: true), id: 'state-all', title: "Show all #{page_context_word}.", data: { state: 'all' } do
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