BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 1631ceff by James Lopez

fix attributes missing in spec after rebase with master

parent e2827250
......@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ describe 'Attribute configuration', lib: true do
'Ci::Variable' => %w[id project_id key value encrypted_value encrypted_value_salt encrypted_value_iv gl_project_id],
'Ci::Trigger' => %w[id token project_id deleted_at created_at updated_at gl_project_id],
'DeployKey' => %w[id user_id created_at updated_at key title type fingerprint public],
'Service' => %w[id type title project_id created_at updated_at active properties template push_events issues_events merge_requests_events tag_push_events note_events pipeline_events build_events category default wiki_page_events],
'ProjectHook' => %w[id url project_id created_at updated_at type service_id push_events issues_events merge_requests_events tag_push_events note_events pipeline_events enable_ssl_verification build_events wiki_page_events token group_id],
'Service' => %w[id type title project_id created_at updated_at active properties template push_events issues_events merge_requests_events tag_push_events note_events pipeline_events build_events category default wiki_page_events confidential_issues_events],
'ProjectHook' => %w[id url project_id created_at updated_at type service_id push_events issues_events merge_requests_events tag_push_events note_events pipeline_events enable_ssl_verification build_events wiki_page_events token group_id confidential_issues_events],
'ProtectedBranch' => %w[id project_id name created_at updated_at],
'Project' => %w[description issues_enabled merge_requests_enabled wiki_enabled snippets_enabled visibility_level archived],
'Author' => %w[name]
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