BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 13239cd8 by Rémy Coutable

Merge branch 'jprovazn-null-byte' into 'master'

Disable greedy mode when matching filename Closes #44784 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!18914
parents a78b1b27 91f8656c
title: Fix filename matching when processing file or blob search results
type: fixed
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module Gitlab
startline = 0
result.each_line.each_with_index do |line, index|
prefix ||= line.match(/^(?<ref>[^:]*):(?<filename>.*)\x00(?<startline>\d+)\x00/)&.tap do |matches|
prefix ||= line.match(/^(?<ref>[^:]*):(?<filename>[^\x00]*)\x00(?<startline>\d+)\x00/)&.tap do |matches|
ref = matches[:ref]
filename = matches[:filename]
startline = matches[:startline]
......@@ -106,6 +106,18 @@ describe Gitlab::ProjectSearchResults do
context 'when the matching content contains multiple null bytes' do
let(:search_result) { "master:testdata/foo.txt\x001\x00blah\x001\x00foo" }
it 'returns a valid FoundBlob' do
expect(subject.filename).to eq('testdata/foo.txt')
expect(subject.basename).to eq('testdata/foo')
expect(subject.ref).to eq('master')
expect(subject.startline).to eq(1)
expect( eq("blah\x001\x00foo")
context 'when the search result ends with an empty line' do
let(:results) { project.repository.search_files_by_content('Role models', 'master') }
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