BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 12b89eb8 by Filipa Lacerda

Apply same html and css to the action buttons in environment show view table as…

Apply same html and css to the action buttons in environment show view table as the ones in index table
parent e78a3669
- if can?(current_user, :create_deployment, deployment)
- actions = deployment.manual_actions
- if actions.present?
%a.dropdown-new.btn.btn-default{ type: 'button', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown' }
%button.dropdown.dropdown-new.btn.btn-default{ type: 'button', 'data-toggle' => 'dropdown' }
= custom_icon('icon_play')
= icon('caret-down')
......@@ -12,4 +12,3 @@
= link_to [:play, @project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, action], method: :post, rel: 'nofollow' do
= custom_icon('icon_play')
......@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@
= render 'projects/deployments/actions', deployment: deployment
= render 'projects/deployments/rollback', deployment: deployment
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- if can?(current_user, :create_deployment, @environment) && @environment.can_stop?
= link_to 'Stop', stop_namespace_project_environment_path(@project.namespace, @project, @environment), data: { confirm: 'Are you sure you want to stop this environment?' }, class: 'btn btn-danger', method: :post
- if @deployments.blank?
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