BigW Consortium Gitlab

Fix clibpoard buttons on "Check out branch" modal.

Also document the clipboard_button_with_class method. Fixes #18794.
parent 1ca1ebc0
......@@ -22,6 +22,16 @@ module ButtonHelper
type: :button
# Output a "Copy to Clipboard" button with a custom CSS class
# data - Data attributes passed to `content_tag`
# css_class - Class passed to the `content_tag`
# Examples:
# # Define the target element
# clipboard_button_with_class({clipboard_target: "div#foo"}, css_class: "btn-clipboard")
# # => "<button class='btn btn-clipboard' data-clipboard-target='div#foo'>...</button>"
def clipboard_button_with_class(data = {}, css_class: 'btn-clipboard')
content_tag :button,
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
%strong Step 1.
Fetch and check out the branch for this merge request
= clipboard_button(clipboard_target: 'pre#merge-info-1')
= clipboard_button_with_class({clipboard_target: "pre#merge-info-1"}, css_class: "btn-clipboard")
- if @merge_request.for_fork?
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
%strong Step 3.
Merge the branch and fix any conflicts that come up
= clipboard_button(clipboard_target: 'pre#merge-info-3')
= clipboard_button_with_class({clipboard_target: "pre#merge-info-3"}, css_class: "btn-clipboard")
- if @merge_request.for_fork?
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
%strong Step 4.
Push the result of the merge to GitLab
= clipboard_button(clipboard_target: 'pre#merge-info-4')
= clipboard_button_with_class({clipboard_target: "pre#merge-info-4"}, css_class: "btn-clipboard")
git push origin #{h @merge_request.target_branch}
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