BigW Consortium Gitlab

Fix rename projects spec so it doesn't hang

This spec would hang due to the use of transactions, and would incorrectly stub
parent 2f93259c
......@@ -3,14 +3,16 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require Rails.root.join('db', 'post_migrate', '20161221153951_rename_reserved_project_names.rb')
describe RenameReservedProjectNames do
# This migration uses multiple threads, and thus different transactions. This
# means data created in this spec may not be visible to some threads. To work
# around this we use the TRUNCATE cleaning strategy.
describe RenameReservedProjectNames, truncate: true do
let(:migration) { }
let!(:project) { create(:project) }
let!(:project) { create(:empty_project) }
before do
project.path = 'projects'!(validate: false)
allow(Thread).to receive(:new).and_yield
describe '#up' do
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