BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 123b3ec4 by seongahjo

Fix typos and grammar

parent 0f48abf2
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ listen "", :tcp_nopush => true
# nuke workers after 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds (the default)
# NOTICE: git push over http depends on this value.
# If you want be able to push huge amount of data to git repository over http
# If you want to be able to push huge amount of data to git repository over http
# you will have to increase this value too.
# Example of output if you try to push 1GB repo to GitLab over http.
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ GC.respond_to?(:copy_on_write_friendly=) and
check_client_connection false
before_fork do |server, worker|
# the following is highly recomended for Rails + "preload_app true"
# the following is highly recommended for Rails + "preload_app true"
# as there's no need for the master process to hold a connection
defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) and
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