BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 11ef3154 by Lin Jen-Shin

Always use . and add more comments to

parent e1bc7577
......@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ bundler:audit:
- bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:seed_fu
- git checkout $CI_COMMIT_SHA
- bundle install --without production --jobs $(nproc) $FLAGS --retry=3
- source scripts/
- . scripts/
- bundle exec rake db:migrate
migration pg paths:
......@@ -3,9 +3,14 @@
. scripts/
export SETUP_DB=${SETUP_DB:-true}
export GITLAB_DATABASE=$(echo $CI_JOB_NAME | cut -f2 -d' ')
# Determine the database by looking at the job name.
# For example, we'll get pg if the job is `rspec pg 19 20`
export GITLAB_DATABASE=$(echo $CI_JOB_NAME | cut -f2 -d' ')
# This would make the default database postgresql, and we could also use
# pg to mean postgresql.
if [ "$GITLAB_DATABASE" != 'mysql' ]; then
export GITLAB_DATABASE='postgresql'
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