BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 0ee5efbd by Luke Howell

Prepend blank line to close message on merge request

- Added an extra new line to the prepend of the Close message Fixes #21710
parent a4c56a2b
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 8.12.0 (unreleased)
- Prepend blank line to `Closes` message on merge request linked to issue (lukehowell)
- Filter tags by name !6121
- Make push events have equal vertical spacing.
- Add two-factor recovery endpoint to internal API !5510
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ module MergeRequests
closes_issue = "Closes ##{iid}"
if merge_request.description.present?
merge_request.description += closes_issue.prepend("\n")
merge_request.description += closes_issue.prepend("\n\n")
merge_request.description = closes_issue
......@@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ describe MergeRequests::BuildService, services: true do
let(:source_branch) { "#{issue.iid}-fix-issue" }
it 'appends "Closes #$issue-iid" to the description' do
expect(merge_request.description).to eq("#{commit_1.safe_message.split(/\n+/, 2).last}\nCloses ##{issue.iid}")
expect(merge_request.description).to eq("#{commit_1.safe_message.split(/\n+/, 2).last}\n\nCloses ##{issue.iid}")
context 'merge request already has a description set' do
let(:description) { 'Merge request description' }
it 'appends "Closes #$issue-iid" to the description' do
expect(merge_request.description).to eq("#{description}\nCloses ##{issue.iid}")
expect(merge_request.description).to eq("#{description}\n\nCloses ##{issue.iid}")
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