BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 0cf7a920 by Paco Guzman

Compare view cannot show the note button

data-can-create-note == “false”
parent 39b6e678
class @FilesCommentButton class @FilesCommentButton
constructor: (@filesContainerElement) -> constructor: (@filesContainerElement) ->
return if not @filesContainerElement and not 'can-create-note' return if not @filesContainerElement
return if not 'can-create-note'
@COMMENT_BUTTON_CLASS = '.add-diff-note' @COMMENT_BUTTON_CLASS = '.add-diff-note'
@COMMENT_BUTTON_TEMPLATE = _.template("<button name='button' type='submit' class='btn <%- COMMENT_BUTTON_CLASS %> js-add-diff-note-button' title='Add a comment to this line'><i class='fa fa-comment-o'></i></button>") @COMMENT_BUTTON_TEMPLATE = _.template("<button name='button' type='submit' class='btn <%- COMMENT_BUTTON_CLASS %> js-add-diff-note-button' title='Add a comment to this line'><i class='fa fa-comment-o'></i></button>")
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