BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 0c81279e by Grzegorz Bizon

Render collection of badges instead of using iterator

parent eec0f5da
- badges.each do |badge|
.row{ class: badge.title.gsub(' ', '-') }
= badge.title.capitalize
= badge.title.capitalize
= badge.to_html
= render 'shared/ref_switcher', destination: 'badges', align_right: true
= highlight('.md', badge.to_markdown)
= highlight('.html', badge.to_html)
.row{ class: badge.title.gsub(' ', '-') }
= badge.title.capitalize
= badge.title.capitalize
= badge.to_html
= render 'shared/ref_switcher', destination: 'badges', align_right: true
= highlight('.md', badge.to_markdown)
= highlight('.html', badge.to_html)
......@@ -77,4 +77,4 @@
= render partial: 'badges', object: @badges
= render partial: 'badge', collection: @badges
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