BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 0c4d27e8 by Douwe Maan

Point out nginx config changes in update guides.

parent 938a1381
......@@ -164,8 +164,6 @@ git diff 6-0-stable:config/gitlab.yml.example 7-8-stable:config/gitlab.yml.examp
* Make `/home/git/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml` the same as but with your settings.
* Make `/home/git/gitlab/config/unicorn.rb` the same as but with your settings.
* Make `/home/git/gitlab-shell/config.yml` the same as but with your settings.
* HTTP setups: Make `/etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab` the same as but with your settings.
* HTTPS setups: Make `/etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab-ssl` the same as but with your settings.
* Copy rack attack middleware config
......@@ -178,6 +176,12 @@ sudo -u git -H cp config/initializers/rack_attack.rb.example config/initializers
sudo cp lib/support/logrotate/gitlab /etc/logrotate.d/gitlab
### Change Nginx settings
* HTTP setups: Make `/etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab` the same as but with your settings.
* HTTPS setups: Make `/etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab-ssl` the same as but with your settings.
* Take special note of the `location /uploads/` section that has been added, the directives from `# gzip off;` up to `proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;` that have been moved from `location @gitlab` to `server`, and the `gzip on;` directive that has been added to `location ~ ^/(assets)/`.
## 9. Start application
sudo service gitlab start
......@@ -75,8 +75,9 @@ git diff origin/7-6-stable:config/gitlab.yml.example origin/7-8-stable:config/gi
#### Change Nginx settings
* HTTP setups: Make `/etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab` the same as [`lib/support/nginx/gitlab`](/lib/support/nginx/gitlab) but with your settings
* HTTPS setups: Make `/etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab-ssl` the same as [`lib/support/nginx/gitlab-ssl`](/lib/support/nginx/gitlab-ssl) but with your setting
* HTTP setups: Make `/etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab` the same as [`lib/support/nginx/gitlab`](/lib/support/nginx/gitlab) but with your settings.
* HTTPS setups: Make `/etc/nginx/sites-available/gitlab-ssl` the same as [`lib/support/nginx/gitlab-ssl`](/lib/support/nginx/gitlab-ssl) but with your settings.
* Take special note of the `location /uploads/` section that has been added, the directives from `# gzip off;` up to `proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;` that have been moved from `location @gitlab` to `server`, and the `gzip on;` directive that has been added to `location ~ ^/(assets)/`.
#### Setup time zone (optional)
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