BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 0aec0d53 by Kamil Trzciński

Merge branch 'remove-ci-help' into 'master'

Remove CI help Fixes See merge request !1325
parents 0e1948fb 7166f7b7
module Ci
class HelpsController < Ci::ApplicationController
skip_filter :check_config
def show
def oauth2
if valid_config?
redirect_to ci_root_path
render layout: 'ci/empty'
Welcome to GitLab CI
GitLab CI integrates with your GitLab installation and runs tests for your projects.
%h3 You need only 2 steps to set it up
In the GitLab admin area under OAuth applications create a new entry. The redirect url should be
%code= callback_ci_user_sessions_url
Update the GitLab CI config with the application id and the application secret from GitLab.
Restart your GitLab CI instance
Refresh this page when GitLab CI has started again
GitLab CI
%span= GitlabCi::VERSION
%small= GitlabCi::REVISION
GitLab CI integrates with your GitLab installation and run tests for your projects.
Login with your GitLab account, add a project with one click and enjoy running your tests.
Read more about GitLab CI at #{link_to "", "", target: "_blank"}.
= link_to '' do
%p Explore how you can access GitLab CI via the API.
= link_to '' do
Build script examples
%p This includes the build script we use to test GitLab CE.
= link_to '' do
Issue tracker
%p Reports about recent bugs and problems..
= link_to '' do
Feedback forum
%p Suggest improvements or new features for GitLab CI.
......@@ -9,10 +9,6 @@ Gitlab::Application.routes.draw do
resource :lint, only: [:show, :create]
resource :help do
get :oauth2
resources :projects do
collection do
post :add
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