BigW Consortium Gitlab

fix CI

parent 42e7e750
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ describe ProjectsHelper do
let(:user) { build_stubbed(:user) }
it 'returns image tag for member avatar' do
allow(helper).to receive(:image_tag).with(nil, {width: 16, class: ["avatar", "avatar-inline", "s16"], alt: ""})
allow(helper).to receive(:image_tag).with(nil, { width: 16, class: ["avatar", "avatar-inline", "s16"], alt: "" })
allow(helper).to receive(:avatar_icon).with(user, 16)
......@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ describe Ci::CreatePipelineService do
subject do, user, ref: ref)
.send(:allowed_to_create?, user)
context 'when user is a developer' do
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