BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 094cafca by Phil Hughes

Removed GL Actions class

parent 7a1800fe
......@@ -11,13 +11,6 @@ class @GLForm 'gl-form', @
destroy: ->
# Destroy actions
actions = 'form-actions'
if actions?
actions.clearEventListeners() 'form-actions', null
# Clean form listeners
@clearEventListeners() 'gl-form', null
......@@ -38,10 +31,6 @@ class @GLForm
# Setup action buttons
actions = new GLFormActions @form, @textarea 'form-actions', actions
# form and textarea event listeners
class @GLFormActions
constructor: (@form, @textarea) ->
clearEventListeners: -> 'click', '.js-toolbar-button'
addEventListeners: ->
@form.on 'click', '.js-toolbar-button', @toolbarButtonClick
toolbarButtonClick: (e) =>
$btn = $(e.currentTarget)
# Get the prefix from the button
prefix = $'prefix')
addPrefixToTextarea: (prefix) ->
caretStart = @textarea.get(0).selectionStart
caretEnd = @textarea.get(0).selectionEnd
textEnd = @textarea.val().length
beforeSelection = @textarea.val().substring 0, caretStart
afterSelection = @textarea.val().substring caretEnd, textEnd
beforeSelectionSplit = beforeSelection.split ''
beforeSelectionLength = beforeSelection.length
# Get the last character in the before selection
beforeSelectionLastChar = beforeSelectionSplit[beforeSelectionLength - 1]
if beforeSelectionLastChar? and beforeSelectionLastChar isnt ''
# Append a white space char to the prefix if the previous char isn't a space
prefix = " #{prefix}"
# Update the textarea
@textarea.val beforeSelection + prefix + afterSelection
@textarea.get(0).setSelectionRange caretStart + prefix.length, caretEnd + prefix.length
# Focus the textarea
%button.toolbar-button.js-toolbar-button{ type: 'button', data: { prefix: ':' }, tabindex: '-1' }
= icon('smile-o', class: 'toolbar-button-icon')
Styling with
= link_to 'Markdown', help_page_path('markdown', 'markdown'), target: '_blank', tabindex: -1
Markdown is supported
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