Commit 07150348 by Michael Kozono

Remove irrelevant copy-pasted code

parent dd3ba1f2
......@@ -153,29 +153,9 @@ module Gitlab
belongs_to :model, polymorphic: true # rubocop:disable Cop/PolymorphicAssociations
validates :size, presence: true
validates :path, presence: true
validates :model, presence: true
validates :uploader, presence: true
before_save :calculate_checksum, if: :foreground_checksum?
after_commit :schedule_checksum, unless: :foreground_checksum?
def self.remove_path(path)
where(path: path).destroy_all
def self.record(uploader)
size: uploader.file.size,
path: uploader.relative_path,
model: uploader.model,
uploader: uploader.class.to_s
def absolute_path
return path unless relative_path?
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