BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 069783b5 by Kushal Pandya Committed by Filipa Lacerda

Add performance deltas between app deployments on Merge Request widget

parent 437bb928
......@@ -42,3 +42,13 @@ export function formatRelevantDigits(number) {
export function bytesToKiB(number) {
return number / BYTES_IN_KIB;
* Utility function that calculates MiB of the given bytes.
* @param {Number} number bytes
* @return {Number} MiB
export function bytesToMiB(number) {
return number / (BYTES_IN_KIB * BYTES_IN_KIB);
import statusCodes from '~/lib/utils/http_status';
import { bytesToMiB } from '~/lib/utils/number_utils';
import MemoryGraph from '../../vue_shared/components/memory_graph';
import MRWidgetService from '../services/mr_widget_service';
......@@ -9,8 +11,8 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
// memoryFrom: 0,
// memoryTo: 0,
memoryFrom: 0,
memoryTo: 0,
memoryMetrics: [],
deploymentTime: 0,
hasMetrics: false,
......@@ -35,18 +37,38 @@ export default {
shouldShowMetricsUnavailable() {
return !this.loadingMetrics && !this.hasMetrics && !this.loadFailed;
memoryChangeType() {
const memoryTo = Number(this.memoryTo);
const memoryFrom = Number(this.memoryFrom);
if (memoryTo > memoryFrom) {
return 'increased';
} else if (memoryTo < memoryFrom) {
return 'decreased';
return 'unchanged';
methods: {
getMegabytes(bytesString) {
const valueInBytes = Number(bytesString).toFixed(2);
return (bytesToMiB(valueInBytes)).toFixed(2);
computeGraphData(metrics, deploymentTime) {
this.loadingMetrics = false;
const { memory_values } = metrics;
// if (memory_previous.length > 0) {
// this.memoryFrom = Number(memory_previous[0].value[1]).toFixed(2);
// }
// if (memory_current.length > 0) {
// this.memoryTo = Number(memory_current[0].value[1]).toFixed(2);
// }
const { memory_before, memory_after, memory_values } = metrics;
// Both `memory_before` and `memory_after` objects
// have peculiar structure where accessing only a specific
// index yeilds correct value that we can use to show memory delta.
if (memory_before.length > 0) {
this.memoryFrom = this.getMegabytes(memory_before[0].value[1]);
if (memory_after.length > 0) {
this.memoryTo = this.getMegabytes(memory_after[0].value[1]);
if (memory_values.length > 0) {
this.hasMetrics = true;
......@@ -102,7 +124,7 @@ export default {
class="usage-info js-usage-info">
Deployment memory usage:
Memory usage <b>{{memoryChangeType}}</b> from {{memoryFrom}}MB to {{memoryTo}}MB
title: Add performance deltas between app deployments on Merge Request widget
merge_request: 11730
import { formatRelevantDigits, bytesToKiB } from '~/lib/utils/number_utils';
import { formatRelevantDigits, bytesToKiB, bytesToMiB } from '~/lib/utils/number_utils';
describe('Number Utils', () => {
describe('formatRelevantDigits', () => {
......@@ -45,4 +45,11 @@ describe('Number Utils', () => {
describe('bytesToMiB', () => {
it('calculates MiB for the given bytes', () => {
......@@ -7,6 +7,18 @@ const url = '/root/acets-review-apps/environments/15/deployments/1/metrics';
const metricsMockData = {
success: true,
metrics: {
memory_before: [
metric: {},
value: [1495785220.607, '9572875.906976745'],
memory_after: [
metric: {},
value: [1495787020.607, '4485853.130206379'],
memory_values: [
metric: {},
......@@ -39,7 +51,7 @@ const createComponent = () => {
const messages = {
loadingMetrics: 'Loading deployment statistics.',
hasMetrics: 'Deployment memory usage:',
hasMetrics: 'Memory usage unchanged from 0MB to 0MB',
loadFailed: 'Failed to load deployment statistics.',
metricsUnavailable: 'Deployment statistics are not available currently.',
......@@ -89,17 +101,52 @@ describe('MemoryUsage', () => {
describe('computed', () => {
describe('memoryChangeType', () => {
it('should return "increased" if memoryFrom value is less than memoryTo value', () => {
vm.memoryFrom = 4.28;
vm.memoryTo = 9.13;
it('should return "decreased" if memoryFrom value is less than memoryTo value', () => {
vm.memoryFrom = 9.13;
vm.memoryTo = 4.28;
it('should return "unchanged" if memoryFrom value equal to memoryTo value', () => {
vm.memoryFrom = 1;
vm.memoryTo = 1;
describe('methods', () => {
const { metrics, deployment_time } = metricsMockData;
describe('getMegabytes', () => {
it('should return Megabytes from provided Bytes value', () => {
const memoryInBytes = '9572875.906976745';
describe('computeGraphData', () => {
it('should populate sparkline graph', () => {
vm.computeGraphData(metrics, deployment_time);
const { hasMetrics, memoryMetrics, deploymentTime } = vm;
const { hasMetrics, memoryMetrics, deploymentTime, memoryFrom, memoryTo } = vm;
expect(memoryMetrics.length > 0).toBeTruthy();
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