@@ -31,13 +31,38 @@ The illustrations should always align with topics and goals in specific context.
| -------- | -------- |
| <imgsrc="img/illustrations-caps-do.png"width=133pxalt="Do: caps and corner"/> | <imgsrc="img/illustrations-caps-don't.png"width=133pxalt="Don't: caps and corner"/> |
#### Radius
- Standard corner radius: **10px**
- Depending on the situation, corner radius can be changed to **5px**. For example, when the illustration size is small, an illustration with 10px corner radius would be over-rounded. In this case, the corner radius can be changed to 5px.
<imgsrc="img/illustrations-border-radius.png"width=464pxalt="Example for border radius"/>
#### Size
Depends on the situation, the illustration size can be the 3 types below:
* Use case: Empty states, error pages(e.g. 404, 403)
* For vertical layout, the illustration should not larger than **430*300 px**.
* For horizontal layout, the illustration should not larger than **430*380 px**