BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 0538e1e9 by Lin Jen-Shin

Support SHA for downloading artifacts:

So if we also query against SHA, we could actually support SHA. If there's a branch or tag also named like SHA this could be ambiguous, but since we could already do that in Git, I think it's probably fine, people would be aware they shouldn't use the same name anyway.
parent fba2ec45
......@@ -429,12 +429,15 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
# ref can't be HEAD or SHA, can only be branch/tag name
# ref can't be HEAD, can only be branch/tag name or SHA
def latest_success_pipeline_for(ref = 'master')
pipelines.where(ref: ref).success.order(id: :desc)
table = Ci::Pipeline.quoted_table_name
# TODO: Use `where(ref: ref).or(sha: ref)` in Rails 5
pipelines.where("#{table}.ref = ? OR #{table}.sha = ?", ref, ref).
success.order(id: :desc)
# ref can't be HEAD or SHA, can only be branch/tag name
# ref can't be HEAD, can only be branch/tag name or SHA
def latest_success_builds_for(ref = 'master')
......@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ shared_examples 'artifacts from ref successfully' do
create(:ci_build, status, :artifacts, pipeline: new_pipeline)
context 'with sha' do
before do
get path_from_ref(pipeline.sha)
it('gives the file') { verify }
context 'with regular branch' do
before do
pipeline.update(ref: 'master',
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