BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 04c7c262 by Izaak Alpert

Used pagnation function from api helpers

Change-Id: I1bdd3608d3b46924b5da3ae282c99f85ee4e0dab
parent 9d06921f
......@@ -497,5 +497,5 @@ GET /projects/search/:query
+ query (required) - A string contained in the project name
+ per_page (optional) - number of projects to return per page, defaults to 20
+ offset (optional) - the offset in pages to retrieve
+ per_page (optional) - number of projects to return per page
+ page (optional) - the page to retrieve
......@@ -266,16 +266,14 @@ module API
# Parameters:
# query (required) - A string contained in the project name
# per_page (optional) - number of projects to return per page, defaults to 20
# offset (optional) - the offset in pages to retrieve
# per_page (optional) - number of projects to return per page
# page (optional) - the page to retrieve
# Example Request:
# GET /projects/search/:query
get "/search/:query" do
limit = (params[:per_page] || 20).to_i
offset = (params[:page] || 0).to_i * limit
ids =
projects = Project.where("(id in (?) OR public = true) AND (name LIKE (?))", ids, "%#{params[:query]}%").limit(limit).offset(offset)
present projects, with: Entities::Project
projects = Project.where("(id in (?) OR public = true) AND (name LIKE (?))", ids, "%#{params[:query]}%")
present paginate(projects), with: Entities::Project
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