BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 042c4999 by Stan Hu

Merge branch '10-5-stable-patch-2' into '10-5-stable'

Prepare 10.5.2 release See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!17322
parents 21c2ffea aee1d09d
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ class DropdownUser extends gl.FilteredSearchDropdown {
endpoint: `${gon.relative_url_root || ''}/autocomplete/users.json`,
searchKey: 'search',
params: {
per_page: 20,
active: true,
group_id: this.getGroupId(),
project_id: this.getProjectId(),
......@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ export default class SingleFileDiff {
if (cb) cb();
.catch(createFlash(__('An error occurred while retrieving diff')));
.catch(() => {
createFlash(__('An error occurred while retrieving diff'));
......@@ -34,14 +34,13 @@ function UsersSelect(currentUser, els, options = {}) {
var options = {};
var $block, $collapsedSidebar, $dropdown, $loading, $selectbox, $value, abilityName, assignTo, assigneeTemplate, collapsedAssigneeTemplate, defaultLabel, defaultNullUser, firstUser, issueURL, selectedId, selectedIdDefault, showAnyUser, showNullUser, showMenuAbove;
$dropdown = $(dropdown);
options.projectId = $'project-id');
options.groupId = $'group-id');
options.showCurrentUser = $'current-user');
options.todoFilter = $'todo-filter');
options.todoStateFilter = $'todo-state-filter');
options.perPage = $'per-page');
showNullUser = $'null-user');
defaultNullUser = $'null-user-default');
options.projectId = $'projectId');
options.groupId = $'groupId');
options.showCurrentUser = $'currentUser');
options.todoFilter = $'todoFilter');
options.todoStateFilter = $'todoStateFilter');
showNullUser = $'nullUser');
defaultNullUser = $'nullUserDefault');
showMenuAbove = $'showMenuAbove');
showAnyUser = $'any-user');
firstUser = $'first-user');
......@@ -669,7 +668,6 @@ UsersSelect.prototype.users = function(query, options, callback) {
const url = this.buildUrl(this.usersPath);
const params = {
search: query,
per_page: options.perPage || 20,
active: true,
project_id: options.projectId || null,
group_id: options.groupId || null,
......@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ export default {
handleNotification(data) {
if (data.ci_status === return;
if (!data.pipeline) return;
const label = data.pipeline.details.status.label;
const title = `Pipeline ${label}`;
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
.status-red, {
height: 100%;
min-width: 25px;
min-width: 30px;
padding: 0 5px;
font-size: $tooltip-font-size;
font-weight: normal;
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module UploadsActions
# - or redirect to its URL
def show
return render_404 unless uploader.exists?
return render_404 unless uploader&.exists?
if uploader.file_storage?
disposition = uploader.image_or_video? ? 'inline' : 'attachment'
......@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ module UploadsActions
def build_uploader_from_params
uploader =, secret: params[:secret])
return nil unless uploader.model_valid?
class AutocompleteUsersFinder
# The number of users to display in the results is hardcoded to 20, and
# pagination is not supported. This ensures that performance remains
# consistent and removes the need for implementing keyset pagination to ensure
# good performance.
LIMIT = 20
attr_reader :current_user, :project, :group, :search, :skip_users,
:page, :per_page, :author_id, :params
:author_id, :params
def initialize(params:, current_user:, project:, group:)
@current_user = current_user
......@@ -8,8 +14,6 @@ class AutocompleteUsersFinder
@group = group
@search = params[:search]
@skip_users = params[:skip_users]
@page = params[:page]
@per_page = params[:per_page]
@author_id = params[:author_id]
@params = params
......@@ -20,7 +24,7 @@ class AutocompleteUsersFinder
items = items.reorder(:name)
items = if search.present?
items = items.where.not(id: skip_users) if skip_users.present?
items =
items = items.limit(LIMIT)
if params[:todo_filter].present? && current_user
items = items.todo_authors(, params[:todo_state_filter])
......@@ -52,9 +56,13 @@ class AutocompleteUsersFinder
def users_from_project
user_ids =
user_ids << author_id if author_id.present?
if author_id.present?
union = Gitlab::SQL::Union
.new([project.authorized_users, User.where(id: author_id)])
User.where(id: user_ids)
User.from("(#{union.to_sql}) #{User.table_name}")
......@@ -10,26 +10,59 @@ class MembersFinder
def execute
project_members = project.project_members
project_members = project_members.non_invite unless can?(current_user, :admin_project, project)
wheres = [" IN (#{})"]
if group
# We need `.where.not(user_id: nil)` here otherwise when a group has an
# invitee, it would make the following query return 0 rows since a NULL
# user_id would be present in the subquery
# See
non_null_user_ids = project_members.where.not(user_id: nil).select(:user_id)
group_members =
group_members = group_members.where.not(user_id: non_null_user_ids)
group_members = group_members.non_invite unless can?(current_user, :admin_group, group)
group_members = group_members.non_invite
wheres << " IN (#{})"
union =[project_members, group_members], remove_duplicates: false)
Member.where(wheres.join(' OR '))
sql = distinct_on(union)
Member.includes(:user).from("(#{sql}) AS #{Member.table_name}")
def can?(*args)
def distinct_on(union)
# We're interested in a list of members without duplicates by user_id.
# We prefer project members over group members, project members should go first.
if Gitlab::Database.postgresql?
SELECT DISTINCT ON (user_id, invite_email) member_union.*
FROM (#{union.to_sql}) AS member_union
ORDER BY user_id,
WHEN type = 'ProjectMember' THEN 1
WHEN type = 'GroupMember' THEN 2
# Older versions of MySQL do not support window functions (and DISTINCT ON is postgres-specific).
FROM (#{union.to_sql}) AS t1
COALESCE(user_id, -1) AS user_id,
COALESCE(invite_email, 'NULL') AS invite_email,
MIN(CASE WHEN type = 'ProjectMember' THEN 1 WHEN type = 'GroupMember' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END) AS type_number
(#{union.to_sql}) AS t3
GROUP BY COALESCE(user_id, -1), COALESCE(invite_email, 'NULL')
) AS t2 ON COALESCE(t1.user_id, -1) = t2.user_id
AND COALESCE(t1.invite_email, 'NULL') = t2.invite_email
AND CASE WHEN t1.type = 'ProjectMember' THEN 1 WHEN t1.type = 'GroupMember' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END = t2.type_number
......@@ -56,8 +56,10 @@ class SnippetsFinder < UnionFinder
def feature_available_projects
projects = Project.public_or_visible_to_user(current_user)
.with_feature_available_for_user(:snippets, current_user).select(:id)
projects = Project.public_or_visible_to_user(current_user, use_where_in: false) do |part|
part.with_feature_available_for_user(:snippets, current_user)
arel_query =
......@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ module Ci
if cache && project.jobs_cache_index
cache = cache.merge(
key: "#{cache[:key]}_#{project.jobs_cache_index}")
key: "#{cache[:key]}-#{project.jobs_cache_index}")
......@@ -316,18 +316,42 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
# Returns a collection of projects that is either public or visible to the
# logged in user.
def self.public_or_visible_to_user(user = nil)
if user
authorized = user
.where('project_authorizations.project_id =')
levels = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.levels_for_user(user)
where('EXISTS (?) OR projects.visibility_level IN (?)', authorized, levels)
# A caller may pass in a block to modify individual parts of
# the query, e.g. to apply .with_feature_available_for_user on top of it.
# This is useful for performance as we can stick those additional filters
# at the bottom of e.g. the UNION.
# Optionally, turning `use_where_in` off leads to returning a
# relation using #from instead of #where. This can perform much better
# but leads to trouble when used in conjunction with AR's #merge method.
def self.public_or_visible_to_user(user = nil, use_where_in: true, &block)
# If we don't get a block passed, use identity to avoid if/else repetitions
block = ->(part) { part } unless block_given?
return unless user
# If the user is allowed to see all projects,
# we can shortcut and just return.
return if user.full_private_access?
authorized = user
.where('project_authorizations.project_id =')
authorized_projects ='EXISTS (?)', authorized))
levels = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.levels_for_user(user)
visible_projects = levels))
# We use a UNION here instead of OR clauses since this results in better
# performance.
union =[''),'')])
if use_where_in
where(" IN (#{union.to_sql})") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/SqlInjection
from("(#{union.to_sql}) AS #{table_name}")
......@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# Override Devise::Models::Trackable#update_tracked_fields!
# to limit database writes to at most once every hour
def update_tracked_fields!(request)
return if Gitlab::Database.read_only?
lease ="user_update_tracked_fields:#{id}", timeout: 1.hour.to_i)
......@@ -325,8 +327,8 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
fuzzy_arel_match(:name, query)
.or(fuzzy_arel_match(:username, query))
fuzzy_arel_match(:name, query, lower_exact_match: true)
.or(fuzzy_arel_match(:username, query, lower_exact_match: true))
).reorder(order % { query: ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(query) }, :name)
......@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ module Clusters
ca_cert: Base64.decode64(gke_cluster.master_auth.cluster_ca_certificate),
username: gke_cluster.master_auth.username,
password: gke_cluster.master_auth.password,
token: request_kuberenetes_token)
token: request_kubernetes_token)
def request_kuberenetes_token
def request_kubernetes_token
'https://' + gke_cluster.endpoint,
......@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ class GitlabUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
super || file&.filename
def model_valid?
# Designed to be overridden by child uploaders that have a dynamic path
......@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ class PersonalFileUploader < FileUploader
# model_path_segment does not require a model to be passed, so we can always
# generate a path, even when there's no model.
def model_valid?
# Revert-Override
def store_dir
File.join(base_dir, dynamic_segment)
title: Prevent MR Widget error when no CI configured
type: fixed
title: Improve query performance of MembersFinder.
merge_request: 17190
type: performance
title: Enable Legacy Authorization by default on Cluster creations
merge_request: 17302
type: fixed
title: Improve query performance for snippets dashboard.
merge_request: 17088
type: performance
title: Fix issue with cache key being empty when variable used as the key
merge_request: 17260
type: fixed
title: Fix 500 error when loading an invalid upload URL
type: fixed
title: Increase feature flag cache TTL to one hour
type: performance
title: Only check LFS integrity for first ref in a push to avoid timeout
merge_request: 17098
type: performance
title: Fix single digit value clipping for stacked progress bar
merge_request: 17217
type: fixed
title: Don't attempt to update user tracked fields if database is in read-only
type: fixed
title: Improve performance of searching for and autocompleting of users
type: performance
title: Allow branch names to be named the same as the sha it points to
type: fixed
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Flipper.configure do |config|
cached_adapter =
expires_in: 10.seconds)
expires_in: 1.hour)
class AddPartialIndexToProjectsForIndexOnlyScans < ActiveRecord::Migration
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
INDEX_NAME = 'index_projects_on_id_partial_for_visibility'
# Adds a partial index to leverage index-only scans when looking up project ids
def up
unless index_exists?(:projects, :id, name: INDEX_NAME)
add_concurrent_index :projects, :id, name: INDEX_NAME, unique: true, where: 'visibility_level IN (10,20)'
def down
if index_exists?(:projects, :id, name: INDEX_NAME)
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :projects, INDEX_NAME
# See
# for more information on how to write migrations for GitLab.
class UsersNameLowerIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
# Set this constant to true if this migration requires downtime.
DOWNTIME = false
INDEX_NAME = 'index_on_users_name_lower'
def up
return unless Gitlab::Database.postgresql?
# On this produces an index with a size of roughly 60 MB.
def down
return unless Gitlab::Database.postgresql?
if supports_drop_index_concurrently?
......@@ -1475,6 +1475,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20180216121030) do
add_index "projects", ["created_at"], name: "index_projects_on_created_at", using: :btree
add_index "projects", ["creator_id"], name: "index_projects_on_creator_id", using: :btree
add_index "projects", ["description"], name: "index_projects_on_description_trigram", using: :gin, opclasses: {"description"=>"gin_trgm_ops"}
add_index "projects", ["id"], name: "index_projects_on_id_partial_for_visibility", unique: true, where: "(visibility_level = ANY (ARRAY[10, 20]))", using: :btree
add_index "projects", ["last_activity_at"], name: "index_projects_on_last_activity_at", using: :btree
add_index "projects", ["last_repository_check_failed"], name: "index_projects_on_last_repository_check_failed", using: :btree
add_index "projects", ["last_repository_updated_at"], name: "index_projects_on_last_repository_updated_at", using: :btree
......@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ GitLab offers the most scalable Git-based fully integrated platform for software
With GitLab self-hosted, you deploy your own GitLab instance on-premises or on a private cloud of your choice. GitLab self-hosted is available for [free and with paid subscriptions]( Libre, Starter, Premium, and Ultimate.
Every feature available in Libre is also available in Starter, Premium, and Ultimate.
Starter features are also available in Premium and Ultimate, and Premium features are also
available in Ultimate. is our SaaS offering. It's hosted, managed, and administered by GitLab, with [free and paid plans]( for individuals and teams: Free, Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
## Shortcuts to GitLab's most visited docs
......@@ -124,8 +128,8 @@ Manage your [repositories](user/project/repository/ from the UI (user i
## Administrator documentation
[Administration documentation](administration/ applies to admin users of [GitLab
self-hosted instances](#self-hosted-gitlab): Libre, Starter, Premium, Ultimate.
[Administration documentation](administration/ applies to admin users of GitLab
self-hosted instances.
Learn how to install, configure, update, upgrade, integrate, and maintain your own instance.
Regular users don't have access to GitLab administration tools and settings.
......@@ -133,7 +137,7 @@ Regular users don't have access to GitLab administration tools and settings.
## Contributor documentation
GitLab Community Edition is [open source](
and Enterprise Editions are [open-core](
and GitLab Enterprise Edition is [open-core](
Learn how to contribute to GitLab:
- [Development](development/ All styleguides and explanations how to contribute.
......@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
**Note:** Custom Git hooks must be configured on the filesystem of the GitLab
server. Only GitLab server administrators will be able to complete these tasks.
Please explore [webhooks] as an option if you do not
have filesystem access. For a user configurable Git hook interface, please see
[GitLab Enterprise Edition Git Hooks](
have filesystem access. For a user configurable Git hook interface, see
[Push Rules](,
available in GitLab Enterprise Edition.
Git natively supports hooks that are executed on different actions.
Examples of server-side git hooks include pre-receive, post-receive, and update.
# Administrator documentation
Learn how to administer your GitLab instance (Community Edition and
[Enterprise Editions](
Enterprise Edition).
Regular users don't have access to GitLab administration tools and settings.
GitLab has two product distributions: the open source
[GitLab Community Edition (CE)](,
and the open core [GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE)](,
available through [different subscriptions](
You can [install GitLab CE or GitLab EE](,
but the features you'll have access to depend on the subscription you choose
(Libre, Starter, Premium, or Ultimate). GitLab Community Edition installations
only have access to Libre features. is administered by GitLab, Inc., therefore, only GitLab team members have
access to its admin configurations. If you're a user, please check the
[user documentation](../user/index.html).
# Fast lookup of authorized SSH keys in the database
> [Introduced]( in
> [GitLab Enterprise Edition Standard]( 9.3.
> [GitLab Starter]( 9.3.
> [Available in]( GitLab
> Community Edition 10.4.
......@@ -13,16 +13,20 @@ Once you set up the Runner, add a new job to `.gitlab-ci.yml`, called `performan
- docker:dind
- mkdir gitlab-exporter
- wget -O ./gitlab-exporter/index.js
- mkdir sitespeed-results
- docker run --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd)":/ sitespeedio/ --outputFolder sitespeed-results
- docker run --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd)":/ sitespeedio/ --plugins.add ./gitlab-exporter --outputFolder sitespeed-results
- mv sitespeed-results/data/performance.json performance.json
- performance.json
- sitespeed-results/
This will create a `performance` job in your CI/CD pipeline and will run against the webpage you define. The full HTML report will be saved as an artifact, and if you have Pages enabled it can be viewed directly in your browser. For further customization options of, including the ability to provide a list of URLs to test, please consult their [documentation](
This will create a `performance` job in your CI/CD pipeline and will run against the webpage you define. The GitLab plugin for is downloaded in order to export key metrics to JSON. The full HTML report will also be saved as an artifact, and if you have Pages enabled it can be viewed directly in your browser. For further customization options of, including the ability to provide a list of URLs to test, please consult their [documentation](
For [GitLab Premium]( users, a performance score can be automatically
For [GitLab Premium]( users, key metrics are automatically
extracted and shown right in the merge request widget. Learn more about [Browser Performance Testing](
## Performance testing on Review Apps
......@@ -42,9 +46,15 @@ A simple `performance` job would look like:
- docker:dind
- export CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL=$(cat environment_url.txt)
- mkdir gitlab-exporter
- wget -O ./gitlab-exporter/index.js
- mkdir sitespeed-results
- docker run --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd)":/ sitespeedio/ --outputFolder sitespeed-results $CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL
- docker run --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd)":/ sitespeedio/ --plugins.add ./gitlab-exporter --outputFolder sitespeed-results "$CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL"
- mv sitespeed-results/data/performance.json performance.json
- performance.json
- sitespeed-results/
A complete example can be found in our [Auto DevOps CI YML](
\ No newline at end of file
# Changing the appearance of the login page
GitLab Community Edition offers a way to put your company's identity on the login page of your GitLab server and make it a branded login page.
GitLab offers a way to put your company's identity on the login page of your GitLab server and make it a branded login page.
By default, the page shows the GitLab logo and description.
......@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
## Software delivery
There are two editions of GitLab: [Enterprise Edition]( (EE) and [Community Edition]( (CE). GitLab CE is delivered via git from the [gitlabhq repository]( New versions of GitLab are released in stable branches and the master branch is for bleeding edge development.
There are two software distributions of GitLab: the open source [Community Edition]( (CE), and the open core [Enterprise Edition]( (EE). GitLab is available under [different subscriptions](
EE releases are available not long after CE releases. To obtain the GitLab EE there is a [repository at]( For more information about the release process see the section 'New versions and upgrading' in the readme.
New versions of GitLab are released in stable branches and the master branch is for bleeding edge development.
For information, see the [GitLab Release Process](
Both EE and CE require some add-on components called gitlab-shell and Gitaly. These components are available from the [gitlab-shell]( and [gitaly]( repositories respectively. New versions are usually tags but staying on the master branch will give you the latest stable version. New releases are generally around the same time as GitLab CE releases with exception for informal security updates deemed critical.
......@@ -236,6 +236,11 @@ Inside the document:
## New features
New features must be shipped with its accompanying documentation and the doc
reviewed by a technical writer.
### Mentioning GitLab versions and tiers
- Every piece of documentation that comes with a new feature should declare the
GitLab version that feature got introduced. Right below the heading add a
......@@ -244,7 +249,7 @@ Inside the document:
> Introduced in GitLab 8.3.
- If possible every feature should have a link to the MR that introduced it.
- If possible every feature should have a link to the MR, issue, or epic that introduced it.
The above note would be then transformed to:
......@@ -254,11 +259,12 @@ Inside the document:
, where the [link identifier](#links) is named after the repository (CE) and
the MR number.
- If the feature is only in GitLab Enterprise Edition, don't forget to mention
it, like:
- If the feature is only available in GitLab Enterprise Edition, don't forget to mention
the [paid tier](
the feature is available in:
> Introduced in GitLab Enterprise Edition 8.3.
> [Introduced][ee-1234] in [GitLab Starter]( 8.3.
Otherwise, leave this mention out.
# GitLab Licensing and Compatibility
GitLab CE is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. GitLab EE is licensed under "The GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE) license" wherein there are more restrictions. See their respective LICENSE files ([CE][CE], [EE][EE]) for more information.
[GitLab Community Edition]( (CE) is licensed [under the terms of the MIT License][CE]. [GitLab Enterprise Edition]( (EE) is licensed under "[The GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE) license][EE]" wherein there are more restrictions.
## Automated Testing
......@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ create SQL Databases, author websites, and perform lots of other cloud tasks.
## Create New VM
The [Azure Marketplace][Azure-Marketplace] is an online store for pre-configured applications and
services which have been optimized for the cloud by software vendors like GitLab, and both
the [Community Edition ("CE")][CE] and the [Enterprise Edition ("EE")][EE] versions of GitLab are
available on the Azure Marketplace as pre-configured solutions.
services which have been optimized for the cloud by software vendors like GitLab,
available on the Azure Marketplace as pre-configured solutions. In this tutorial
we will install GitLab Community Edition, but for GitLab Enterprise Edition you
can follow the same process.
To begin creating a new GitLab VM, click on the **+ New** icon, type "GitLab" into the search
box, and then click the **"GitLab Community Edition"** search result:
......@@ -2,119 +2,69 @@
> [Introduced][ce-8935] in GitLab 9.0.
GitLab offers powerful integration with [Prometheus] for monitoring your apps.
Metrics are retrieved from the configured Prometheus server, and then displayed
GitLab offers powerful integration with [Prometheus] for monitoring key metrics your apps, directly within GitLab.
Metrics for each environment are retrieved from Prometheus, and then displayed
within the GitLab interface.
Each project can be configured with its own specific Prometheus server, see the
[configuration](#configuration) section for more details. If you have a single
Prometheus server which monitors all of your infrastructure, you can pre-fill
the settings page with a default template. To configure the template, see the
[Services templates]( document.
![Environment Dashboard](img/prometheus_dashboard.png)
## Requirements
There are two ways to setup Prometheus integration, depending on where your apps are running:
* For deployments on Kubernetes, GitLab can automatically [deploy and manage Prometheus](#managed-prometheus-on-kubernetes)
* For other deployment targets, simply [specify the Prometheus server](#manual-configuration-of-prometheus).
Integration with Prometheus requires the following:
1. GitLab 9.0 or higher
1. Prometheus must be configured to collect one of the [supported metrics](prometheus_library/
1. Each metric must be have a label to indicate the environment
1. GitLab must have network connectivity to the Prometheus server
## Getting started with Prometheus monitoring
## Managed Prometheus on Kubernetes
> **Note**: [Introduced]( in GitLab 10.5
Depending on your deployment and where you have located your GitLab server, there are a few options to get started with Prometheus monitoring.
GitLab can seamlessly deploy and manage Prometheus on a [connected Kubernetes cluster](../clusters/, making monitoring of your apps easy.
* If both GitLab and your applications are installed in the same Kubernetes cluster, you can leverage the [bundled Prometheus server within GitLab](#configuring-omnibus-gitlab-prometheus-to-monitor-kubernetes).
* If your applications are deployed on Kubernetes, but GitLab is not in the same cluster, then you can [configure a Prometheus server in your Kubernetes cluster](#configuring-your-own-prometheus-server-within-kubernetes).
* If your applications are not running in Kubernetes, [get started with Prometheus](#getting-started-with-prometheus-outside-of-kubernetes).
### Getting started with Prometheus outside of Kubernetes
Installing and configuring Prometheus to monitor applications is fairly straight forward.
1. [Install Prometheus](
1. Set up one of the [supported monitoring targets](prometheus_library/
1. Configure the Prometheus server to [collect their metrics](
### Requirements
### Configuring Omnibus GitLab Prometheus to monitor Kubernetes deployments
* A [connected Kubernetes cluster](../clusters/
* Helm Tiller [installed by GitLab](../clusters/
With Omnibus GitLab running inside of Kubernetes, you can leverage the bundled
version of Prometheus to collect the supported metrics. Once enabled, Prometheus will automatically begin monitoring Kubernetes Nodes and any [annotated Pods](<kubernetes_sd_config>).
### Getting started
1. Read how to configure the bundled Prometheus server in the
[Administration guide][gitlab-prometheus-k8s-monitor].
1. Now that Prometheus is configured, proceed on
[configuring the Prometheus project service in GitLab](#configuration-in-gitlab).
Once you have a connected Kubernetes cluster with Helm installed, deploying a managed Prometheus is as easy as a single click.
### Configuring your own Prometheus server within Kubernetes
1. Go to the `CI/CD > Kubernetes` page, to view your connected clusters
1. Select the cluster you would like to deploy Prometheus to
1. Click the **Install** button to deploy Prometheus to the cluster
Setting up and configuring Prometheus within Kubernetes is quick and painless.
The Prometheus project provides an [official Docker image][prometheus-docker-image]
which we can use as a starting point.
![Managed Prometheus Deploy](img/prometheus_deploy.png)
To get started quickly, we have provided a [sample YML file][prometheus-yml]
that can be used as a template. This file will create a `prometheus` **Namespace**,
**Service**, **Deployment**, and **ConfigMap** in Kubernetes. You can upload
this file to the Kubernetes dashboard using **+ Create** at the top right.
### About managed Prometheus deployments
![Deploy Prometheus](img/prometheus_yaml_deploy.png)
Prometheus is deployed into the `gitlab-managed-apps` namespace, using the [official Helm chart]( Prometheus is only accessible within the cluster, with GitLab communicating through the [Kubernetes API](
Or use `kubectl`:
The Prometheus server will [automatically detect and monitor]( nodes, pods, and endpoints. To configure a resource to be monitored by Prometheus, simply set the following [Kubernetes annotations](
* `` to `true` to enable monitoring of the resource.
* `` to define the port of the metrics endpoint.
* `` to define the path of the metrics endpoint. Defaults to `/metrics`.
kubectl apply -f path/to/prometheus.yml
CPU and Memory consumption is monitored, but requires [naming conventions](prometheus_library/kubernetes.html#specifying-the-environment) in order to determine the environment. If you are using [Auto DevOps](../../../topics/autodevops/), this is handled automatically.
Once deployed, you should see the Prometheus service, deployment, and
pod start within the `prometheus` namespace. The server will begin to collect
metrics from each Kubernetes Node in the cluster, based on the configuration
provided in the template. It will also attempt to collect metrics from any Kubernetes Pods that have been [annotated for Prometheus](
The [NGINX Ingress](../clusters/ that is deployed by GitLab to clusters, is automatically annotated for monitoring providing key response metrics: latency, throughput, and error rates.
Since GitLab is not running within Kubernetes, the template provides external
network access via a `NodePort` running on `30090`. This method allows access
to be controlled using provider firewall rules, like within Google Compute Engine.
## Manual configuration of Prometheus
Since a `NodePort` does not automatically have firewall rules created for it,
one will need to be created manually to allow access. In GCP/GKE, you will want
to confirm the Node that the Prometheus pod is running on. This can be done
either by looking at the Pod in the Kubernetes dashboard, or by running:
### Requirements
kubectl describe pods -n prometheus
Next on GKE, we need to get the `tag` of the Node or VM Instance, so we can
create an accurate firewall rule. The easiest way to do this is to go into the
Google Cloud Platform Compute console and select the VM instance that matches
the name of the Node gathered from the step above. In this case, the node tag
needed is `gke-prometheus-demo-5d5ada10-node`. Also make a note of the
**External IP**, which will be the IP address the Prometheus server is reachable
![GCP Node Detail](img/prometheus_gcp_node_name.png)
Armed with the proper Node tag, the firewall rule can now be created
specifically for this node. To create the firewall rule, open the Google Cloud
Platform Networking console, and select **Firewall Rules**.
Create a new rule:
Integration with Prometheus requires the following:
- Specify the source IP range to match your desired access list, which should
include your GitLab server. A sample of's IP address range is
available [in this issue][], but note that's IPs
are subject to change without prior notification.
- Allowed protocol and port should be `tcp:30090`.
- The target tags should match the Node tag identified earlier in this step.
1. GitLab 9.0 or higher
1. Prometheus must be configured to collect one of the [supported metrics](prometheus_library/
1. Each metric must be have a label to indicate the environment
1. GitLab must have network connectivity to the Prometheus server
![GCP Firewall Rule](img/prometheus_gcp_firewall_rule.png)
### Getting started
Installing and configuring Prometheus to monitor applications is fairly straight forward.
Now that Prometheus is configured, proceed to
[configure the Prometheus project service in GitLab](##configuration-in-gitlab).
1. [Install Prometheus](
1. Set up one of the [supported monitoring targets](prometheus_library/
1. Configure the Prometheus server to [collect their metrics](
## Configuration in GitLab
### Configuration in GitLab
The actual configuration of Prometheus integration within GitLab is very simple.
All you will need is the DNS or IP address of the Prometheus server you'd like
......@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ Prometheus server up and running. You have two options here:
- If you have an Omnibus based GitLab installation within your Kubernetes cluster, you can leverage the bundled Prometheus server to [monitor Kubernetes](../../../../administration/monitoring/prometheus/
- To configure your own Prometheus server, you can follow the [Prometheus documentation]( or [our guide](../../../../administration/monitoring/prometheus/
## Specifying the Environment label
## Specifying the Environment
In order to isolate and only display relevant metrics for a given environment
however, GitLab needs a method to detect which labels are associated. To do this, GitLab will [look for an `environment` label](
In order to isolate and only display relevant CPU and Memory metrics for a given environment, GitLab needs a method to detect which containers it is running. Because these metrics are tracked at the container level, traditional Kubernetes labels are not available.
Instead, the [Deployment]( or [DaemonSet]( name should begin with [CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG](../../../../ci/variables/ It can be followed by a `-` and additional content if desired. For example, a deployment name of `review-homepage-5620p5` would match the `review/homepage` environment.
If you are using [GitLab Auto-Deploy](../../../../ci/autodeploy/ and one of the two [provided Kubernetes monitoring solutions](../, the `environment` label will be automatically added.
......@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 9.5
GitLab has support for automatically detecting and monitoring the Kubernetes NGINX ingress controller. This is provided by leveraging the built in Prometheus metrics included in [version 0.9.0]( of the ingress.
GitLab has support for automatically detecting and monitoring the Kubernetes NGINX ingress controller. This is provided by leveraging the built in Prometheus metrics included in [version 0.9.0]( and above of the ingress.
## Requirements
The [Prometheus service](../prometheus/ must be enabled.
[Prometheus integration](../prometheus/ must be active.
## Metrics supported
......@@ -18,24 +18,34 @@ The [Prometheus service](../prometheus/ must be enabled.
## Configuring NGINX ingress monitoring
If you have deployed with the [gitlab-omnibus]( Helm chart, and your application is running in the same cluster, no further action is required. The ingress metrics will be automatically enabled and annotated for Prometheus monitoring. Simply ensure Prometheus monitoring is [enabled for your project](../, which is on by default.
If you have deployed NGINX Ingress using GitLab's [Kubernetes cluster integration](../../clusters/, it will [automatically be monitored](#about-managed-nginx-ingress-deployments) by Prometheus.
For other deployments, there is some configuration required depending on your installation:
* NGINX Ingress should be version 0.9.0 or above
For other deployments, there is [some configuration](#manually-setting-up-nginx-ingress-for-prometheus-monitoring) required depending on your installation:
* NGINX Ingress should be version 0.9.0 or above, with metrics enabled
* NGINX Ingress should be annotated for Prometheus monitoring
* Prometheus should be configured to monitor annotated pods
### Setting up NGINX Ingress for Prometheus monitoring
### About managed NGINX Ingress deployments
NGINX Ingress is deployed into the `gitlab-managed-apps` namespace, using the [official Helm chart]( NGINX Ingress will be [externally reachable via the Load Balancer's IP](
NGINX is configured for Prometheus monitoring, by setting:
* `enable-vts-status: "true"`, to export Prometheus metrics
* ` "true"`, to enable automatic discovery
* ` "10254"`, to specify the metrics port
When used in conjunction with the GitLab deployed Prometheus service, response metrics will be automatically collected.
### Manually setting up NGINX Ingress for Prometheus monitoring
Version 0.9.0 and above of [NGINX ingress]( have built-in support for exporting Prometheus metrics. To enable, a ConfigMap setting must be passed: `enable-vts-status: "true"`. Once enabled, a Prometheus metrics endpoint will start running on port 10254.
With metric data now available, Prometheus needs to be configured to collect it. The easiest way to do this is to leverage Prometheus' [built-in Kubernetes service discovery](, which automatically detects a variety of Kubernetes components and makes them available for monitoring. Since NGINX ingress metrics are exposed per pod, a scrape job for Kubernetes pods is required. A sample pod scraping configuration [is available]( This configuration will detect pods and enable collection of metrics **only if** they have been specifically annotated for monitoring.
Next, the ingress needs to be annotated for Prometheus monitoring. Two new annotations need to be added:
Depending on how NGINX ingress was deployed, typically a DaemonSet or Deployment, edit the corresponding YML spec. Two new annotations need to be added:
* ` "true"`
* ` "10254"`
Prometheus should now be collecting NGINX ingress metrics. To validate view the Prometheus Targets, available under `Status > Targets` on the Prometheus dashboard. New entries for NGINX should be listed in the kubernetes pod monitoring job, `kubernetes-pods`.
Managing these settings depends on how NGINX ingress has been deployed. If you have deployed via the [official Helm chart](, metrics can be enabled with `controller.stats.enabled` along with the required annotations. Alternatively it is possible edit the NGINX ingress YML directly in the [Kubernetes dashboard](
## Specifying the Environment label
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: prometheus
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: prometheus
namespace: prometheus
prometheus.yml: |-
- job_name: 'kubernetes-nodes'
scheme: https
ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
insecure_skip_verify: true
bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
- role: node
- source_labels: [pod_name]
target_label: environment
regex: (.+)-.+-.+
replacement: $1
- job_name: kubernetes-pods
ca_file: "/var/run/secrets/"
insecure_skip_verify: true
bearer_token_file: "/var/run/secrets/"
- role: pod
api_server: https://kubernetes.default.svc:443
ca_file: "/var/run/secrets/"
bearer_token_file: "/var/run/secrets/"
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
action: keep
regex: 'true'
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path
action: replace
target_label: __metrics_path__
regex: "(.+)"
- source_labels:
- __address__
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port
action: replace
regex: "([^:]+)(?::[0-9]+)?;([0-9]+)"
replacement: "$1:$2"
target_label: __address__
- action: labelmap
regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_namespace
action: replace
target_label: kubernetes_namespace
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
action: replace
target_label: kubernetes_pod_name
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: prometheus
namespace: prometheus
app: prometheus
- name: prometheus
protocol: TCP
port: 9090
nodePort: 30090
type: NodePort
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: prometheus
namespace: prometheus
replicas: 1
app: prometheus
- name: prometheus
image: prom/prometheus:latest
- '--config.file=/prometheus-data/prometheus.yml'
- name: prometheus
containerPort: 9090
- name: data-volume
mountPath: /prometheus-data
- name: data-volume
name: prometheus
......@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ Often multiple people likely work on the same issue together,
which can especially be difficult to track in large teams
where there is shared ownership of an issue.
In GitLab Enterprise Edition, you can also select multiple assignees
to an issue.
In [GitLab Starter](, you can also
select multiple assignees to an issue.
Learn more on the [Multiple Assignees documentation](
# Milestones
Milestones allow you to organize issues and merge requests into a cohesive group,
optionally setting a due date. A common use is keeping track of an upcoming
software version. Milestones can be created per-project or per-group.
## Overview
## Creating a project milestone
Milestones in GitLab are a way to track issues and merge requests created to achieve a broader goal in a certain period of time.
Milestones allow you to organize issues and merge requests into a cohesive group, with an optional start date and an optional due date.
## Project milestones and group milestones
- **Project milestones** can be assigned to issues or merge requests in that project only.
- **Group milestones** can be assigned to any issue or merge request of any project in that group.
- In the [future](, you will be able to assign group milestones to issues and merge reqeusts of projects in [subgroups](../../group/subgroups/
## Creating milestones
A permission level of `Developer` or higher is required to create milestones.
### New project milestone
To create a **project milestone**, navigate to **Issues > Milestones** in the project.
Click the **New milestone** button. Enter the title, an optional description, an optional start date, and an optional due date. Click **Create milestone** to create the milestone.
![New project milestone](img/milestones_new_project_milestone.png)
### New group milestone
To create a **group milestone**, follow similar steps from above to project milestones. Navigate to **Issues > Milestones** in the group and create it from there.
![New group milestone](img/milestones_new_group_milestone.png)
## Editing milestones
You need [Master permissions](../../ in order to create a milestone.
A permission level of `Developer` or higher is required to edit milestones.
You can update a milestone by navigating to **Issues > Milestones** in the project or group and clicking the **Edit** button.
You can find the milestones page under your project's **Issues ➔ Milestones**.
To create a new milestone, simply click the **New milestone** button when in the
milestones page. A milestone can have a title, a description and start/due dates.
Once you fill in all the details, hit the **Create milestone** button.
You can delete a milestone by clicking the **Delete** button.
![Creating a milestone](img/milestone_create.png)
### Promoting project milestones to group milestones
## Creating a group milestone
If you are expanding from a few projects to a larger number of projects within the same group, you may want to share the same milestone among multiple projects in the same group. If you previously created a project milestone and now want to make it available for other milestones, you can promote it to a group milestone.
From the project milestone list page, you can promote a project milestone to a group milestone. This will merge all project milestones across all projects in this group with the same name into a single group milestones. All issues and merge requests that previously were assigned one of these project milestones will now be assigned the new group milestones. This action cannot be reversed and the changes are permanent.
You need [Master permissions](../../ in order to create a milestone.
Not all features on the project milestone view are available on the group milestone view. If you promote a project milestone to a group milestone, you will lose these features. See [Milestone view](#milestone-view) to see which features are missing from the group milestone view.
![Promote milestone](img/milestones_promote_milestone.png)
## Assigning milestones from the sidebar
Every issue and merge request can be assigned a milestone. The milestones are visible on every issue and merge request page, in the sidebar. They are also visible in the issue board. From the sidebar, you can assign or unassign a milestones to the object. You can also perform this as a [quick action](../ in a comment. [As mentioned](#project-milestones-and-group-milestones), for a given issue or merge request, both project milestones and group milestones can be selected and assigned to the object.
## Filtering issues and merge requests by milestone
### Filtering in list pages
From the project issue/merge request list pages and the group issue/merge request list pages, you can [filter](../../search/ by both group milestones and project milestones.
### Filtering in issue boards
From [project issue boards](../, you can filter by both group milestones and project milestones in the [search and filter bar](../../search/
### Special milestone filters
When filtering by milestone, in addition to choosing a specific project milestone or group milestone, you can choose a special milestone filter.
You can create a milestone for a group that will be shared across group projects.
On the group's **Issues ➔ Milestones** page, you will be able to see the state
of that milestone and the issues/merge requests count that it shares across the group projects. To create a new milestone click the **New milestone** button. The form is the same as when creating a milestone for a specific project which you can find in the previous item.
- **No Milestone**: Show issues or merge requests with no assigned milestone.
- **Upcoming**: Show issues or merge requests that have been assigned the open milestone that has the next upcoming due date (i.e. nearest due date in the future).
- **Started**: Show issues or merge requests that have an assigned milestone with a start date that is before today.
In addition to that you will be able to filter issues or merge requests by group milestones in all projects that belongs to the milestone group.
## Milestone view
## Milestone promotion
Not all features in the project milestone view are available in the group milestone view. This table summarizes the differences:
Project milestones can be promoted to group milestones if its project belongs to a group. When a milestone is promoted all other milestones across the group projects with the same title will be merged into it, which means all milestone's children like issues, merge requests and boards will be moved into the new promoted milestone.
The promote button can be found in the milestone view or milestones list.
| Feature | Project milestone view | Group milestone view |
| Title an description | ✓ | ✓ |
| Issues assigned to milestone | ✓ | |
| Merge requests assigned to milestone | ✓ | |
| Participants and labels used | ✓ | |
| Percentage complete | ✓ | ✓ |
| Start date and due date | ✓ | ✓ |
| Total issue time spent | ✓ | ✓ |
| Total issue weight | ✓ | |
## Special milestone filters
The milestone view shows the title and description.
In addition to the milestones that exist in the project or group, there are some
special options available when filtering by milestone:
### Project milestone features
* **No Milestone** - only show issues or merge requests without a milestone.
* **Upcoming** - show issues or merge request that belong to the next open
milestone with a due date, by project. (For example: if project A has
milestone v1 due in three days, and project B has milestone v2 due in a week,
then this will show issues or merge requests from milestone v1 in project A
and milestone v2 in project B.)
* **Started** - show issues or merge requests from any milestone with a start
date less than today. Note that this can return results from several
milestones in the same project.
These features are only available for project milestones and not group milestones.
## Milestone sidebar
- Issues assigned to the milestone are displayed in three columns: Unstarted issues, ongoing issues, and completed issues.
- Merge requests assigned to the milestone are displayed in four columns: Work in progress merge requests, waiting for merge, rejected, and closed.
- Participants and labels that are used in issues and merge requests that have the milestone assigned are displayed.
The milestone sidebar shows percentage complete, start date and due date,
issues, total issue weight, total issue time spent, and merge requests.
### Milestone sidebar
The percentage complete is calculated as: Closed and merged merge requests plus all closed issues divided by
total merge requests and issues.
The milestone sidebar on the milestone view shows the following:
![Milestone sidebar](img/sidebar.png)
- Percentage complete, which is calculated as number of closed issues plus number of closed/merged merge requests divided by total number issues and merge requests.
- The start date and due date.
- The total time spent on all issues that have the milestone assigned.
## Quick actions
For project milestones only, the milestone sidebar shows the total issue weight of all issues that have the milestone assigned.
[Quick actions](../ are available for assigning and removing
project and group milestones.
![Project milestone page](img/milestones_project_milestone_page.png)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ your implementation with your team.
You can live preview changes submitted to a new branch with
[Review Apps](../../../ci/review_apps/
With [GitLab Enterprise Edition](
subscriptions, you can also request
With [GitLab Starter](, you can also request
[approval]( from your managers.
To create, delete, and [branches](branches/ via GitLab's UI:
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Documentation for GitLab instance administrators is under [LFS administration do
credentials store is recommended
* Git LFS always assumes HTTPS so if you have GitLab server on HTTP you will have
to add the URL to Git config manually (see [troubleshooting](#troubleshooting))
>**Note**: With 8.12 GitLab added LFS support to SSH. The Git LFS communication
still goes over HTTP, but now the SSH client passes the correct credentials
to the Git LFS client, so no action is required by the user.
......@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ git lfs fetch master
## File Locking
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 10.5.
The first thing to do before using File Locking is to tell Git LFS which
kind of files are lockable. The following command will store PNG files
in LFS and flag them as lockable:
......@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ module Gitlab
lfs_objects_missing: 'LFS objects are missing. Ensure LFS is properly set up or try a manual "git lfs push --all".'
attr_reader :user_access, :project, :skip_authorization, :protocol, :oldrev, :newrev, :ref, :branch_name, :tag_name
attr_reader :user_access, :project, :skip_authorization, :skip_lfs_integrity_check, :protocol, :oldrev, :newrev, :ref, :branch_name, :tag_name
def initialize(
change, user_access:, project:, skip_authorization: false,
skip_lfs_integrity_check: false, protocol:
@oldrev, @newrev, @ref = change.values_at(:oldrev, :newrev, :ref)
@branch_name = Gitlab::Git.branch_name(@ref)
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module Gitlab
@user_access = user_access
@project = project
@skip_authorization = skip_authorization
@skip_lfs_integrity_check = skip_lfs_integrity_check
@protocol = protocol
......@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ module Gitlab
lfs_objects_exist_check unless skip_lfs_integrity_check
commits_check unless skip_commits_check
......@@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ module Gitlab
def commits_check
return if deletion? || newrev.nil?
return unless should_run_commit_validations?
# n+1:
::Gitlab::GitalyClient.allow_n_plus_1_calls do
......@@ -138,6 +140,10 @@ module Gitlab
def should_run_commit_validations?
def updated_from_web?
protocol == 'web'
......@@ -175,7 +181,7 @@ module Gitlab
def commits
@commits ||= project.repository.new_commits(newrev)
......@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ module Gitlab
def validate_lfs_file_locks?
strong_memoize(:validate_lfs_file_locks) do
project.lfs_enabled? && project.lfs_file_locks.any? && newrev && oldrev
def lfs_file_locks_validation
lambda do |paths|
lfs_lock = project.lfs_file_locks.where(path: paths).where.not(user_id:
......@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ module Gitlab
@committed_date =
@committer_name =
@committer_email =
@parent_ids = commit.parent_ids
@parent_ids = Array(commit.parent_ids)
def serialize_keys
......@@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ module Gitlab
if is_enabled
refs_contains_sha(:branch, sha)
refs_contains_sha('refs/heads/', sha)
......@@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ module Gitlab
if is_enabled
refs_contains_sha(:tag, sha)
refs_contains_sha('refs/tags/', sha)
......@@ -1458,19 +1458,25 @@ module Gitlab
def refs_contains_sha(ref_type, sha)
args = %W(#{ref_type} --contains #{sha})
names = run_git(args).first
def refs_contains_sha(refs_prefix, sha)
refs_prefix << "/" unless refs_prefix.ends_with?('/')
return [] unless names.respond_to?(:split)
# By forcing the output to %(refname) each line wiht a ref will start with
# the ref prefix. All other lines can be discarded.
args = %W(for-each-ref --contains=#{sha} --format=%(refname) #{refs_prefix})
names, code = run_git(args)
names = names.split("\n").map(&:strip)
return [] unless
names.each do |name|
name.slice! '* '
refs = []
left_slice_count = refs_prefix.length
names.lines.each do |line|
next unless line.start_with?(refs_prefix)
refs << line.rstrip[left_slice_count..-1]
def rugged_write_config(full_path:)
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ module Gitlab
def check_repository_existence!
unless project.repository.exists?
unless repository.exists?
raise UnauthorizedError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:no_repo]
......@@ -238,19 +238,22 @@ module Gitlab
changes_list =
# Iterate over all changes to find if user allowed all of them to be applied
changes_list.each do |change|
changes_list.each.with_index do |change, index|
first_change = index == 0
# If user does not have access to make at least one change, cancel all
# push by allowing the exception to bubble up
check_single_change_access(change, skip_lfs_integrity_check: !first_change)
def check_single_change_access(change)
def check_single_change_access(change, skip_lfs_integrity_check: false)
user_access: user_access,
project: project,
skip_authorization: deploy_key?,
skip_lfs_integrity_check: skip_lfs_integrity_check,
protocol: protocol
......@@ -324,5 +327,9 @@ module Gitlab
def push_to_read_only_message
def repository
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Gitlab
authentication_abilities.include?(:download_code) && user_access.can_do_action?(:download_wiki_code)
def check_single_change_access(change)
def check_single_change_access(change, _options = {})
unless user_access.can_do_action?(:create_wiki)
raise UnauthorizedError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:write_to_wiki]
......@@ -28,5 +28,11 @@ module Gitlab
def push_to_read_only_message
def repository
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ module Gitlab
# event_name - The name of the event (e.g. "git_push").
# tags - A set of tags to attach to the event.
def add_event(event_name, tags = {})
self.class.transaction_metric(event_name, :counter, prefix: 'event_', tags: tags).increment(tags.merge(labels))
self.class.transaction_metric(event_name, :counter, prefix: 'event_', use_feature_flag: true, tags: tags).increment(tags.merge(labels))
@metrics <<, { count: 1 }, tags.merge(event: event_name), :event)
......@@ -150,11 +150,12 @@ module Gitlab
with_feature :prometheus_metrics_transaction_allocated_memory
def self.transaction_metric(name, type, prefix: nil, tags: {})
def self.transaction_metric(name, type, prefix: nil, use_feature_flag: false, tags: {})
metric_name = "gitlab_transaction_#{prefix}#{name}_total".to_sym
fetch_metric(type, metric_name) do
docstring "Transaction #{prefix}#{name} #{type}"
base_labels tags.merge(BASE_LABELS)
with_feature "prometheus_transaction_#{prefix}#{name}_total".to_sym if use_feature_flag
if type == :gauge
multiprocess_mode :livesum
......@@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ module Gitlab
def fuzzy_arel_match(column, query)
# column - The column name to search in.
# query - The text to search for.
# lower_exact_match - When set to `true` we'll fall back to using
# `LOWER(column) = query` instead of using `ILIKE`.
def fuzzy_arel_match(column, query, lower_exact_match: false)
query = query.squish
return nil unless query.present?
......@@ -36,7 +40,13 @@ module Gitlab
# No words of at least 3 chars, but we can search for an exact
# case insensitive match with the query as a whole
if lower_exact_match
.new('LOWER', [arel_table[column]])
......@@ -76,9 +76,13 @@ module GoogleApi
"initial_node_count": cluster_size,
"node_config": {
"machine_type": machine_type
"legacy_abac": {
"enabled": true
} )
service.create_cluster(project_id, zone, request_body, options: user_agent_header)
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ task setup_postgresql: :environment do
require Rails.root.join('db/migrate/20170503185032_index_redirect_routes_path_for_like')
require Rails.root.join('db/migrate/20171220191323_add_index_on_namespaces_lower_name.rb')
require Rails.root.join('db/migrate/20180113220114_rework_redirect_routes_indexes.rb')
require Rails.root.join('db/migrate/20180215181245_users_name_lower_index.rb')
......@@ -17,4 +18,5 @@ task setup_postgresql: :environment do
......@@ -109,15 +109,17 @@ describe AutocompleteController do
context 'limited users per page' do
let(:per_page) { 2 }
before do
25.times do
get(:users, per_page: per_page)
it { expect(json_response).to be_kind_of(Array) }
it { expect(json_response.size).to eq(per_page) }
it { expect(json_response.size).to eq(20) }
context 'unauthenticated user' do
......@@ -7,4 +7,12 @@ describe Projects::UploadsController do
it_behaves_like 'handle uploads'
context 'when the URL the old style, without /-/system' do
it 'responds with a redirect to the login page' do
get :show, namespace_id: 'project', project_id: 'avatar', filename: 'foo.png', secret: 'bar'
expect(response).to redirect_to(new_user_session_path)
......@@ -295,6 +295,15 @@ describe('mrWidgetOptions', () => {
it('should not notify if no pipeline provided', () => {
pipeline: undefined,
describe('resumePolling', () => {
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Checks::ChangeAccess do
context 'with LFS not enabled' do
it 'skips the validation' do
expect_any_instance_of(described_class).not_to receive(:lfs_file_locks_validation)
expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::Checks::CommitCheck).not_to receive(:validate)
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Checks::ChangeAccess do
context 'when change is sent by the author od the lock' do
context 'when change is sent by the author of the lock' do
let(:user) { owner }
it "doesn't raise any error" do
......@@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Git::Blob, seed_helper: true do
expect(blobs.count).to eq(1)
expect(blobs).to all( be_a(Gitlab::Git::Blob) )
expect(blobs).to be_an(Array)
it 'accepts blob IDs as a lazy enumerator' do
......@@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ describe Gitlab::Git::Commit, seed_helper: true do
expect(described_class.find(repository, SeedRepo::Commit::ID)).to be_valid_commit
it "returns an array of parent ids" do
expect(described_class.find(repository, SeedRepo::Commit::ID).parent_ids).to be_an(Array)
it "should return valid commit for tag" do
expect(described_class.find(repository, 'v1.0.0').id).to eq('6f6d7e7ed97bb5f0054f2b1df789b39ca89b6ff9')
......@@ -600,6 +600,33 @@ describe Gitlab::Git::Repository, seed_helper: true do
describe '#branch_names_contains_sha' do
shared_examples 'returning the right branches' do
let(:head_id) { }
let(:new_branch) { head_id }
before do
repository.create_branch(new_branch, 'master')
after do
it 'displays that branch' do
expect(repository.branch_names_contains_sha(head_id)).to include('master', new_branch)
context 'when Gitaly is enabled' do
it_behaves_like 'returning the right branches'
context 'when Gitaly is disabled', :disable_gitaly do
it_behaves_like 'returning the right branches'
describe "#refs_hash" do
subject { repository.refs_hash }
......@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ describe Gitlab::GitAccess do
redirected_path: redirected_path)
let(:push_access_check) { access.check('git-receive-pack', '_any') }
let(:pull_access_check) { access.check('git-upload-pack', '_any') }
let(:changes) { '_any' }
let(:push_access_check) { access.check('git-receive-pack', changes) }
let(:pull_access_check) { access.check('git-upload-pack', changes) }
describe '#check with single protocols allowed' do
def disable_protocol(protocol)
......@@ -646,6 +647,20 @@ describe Gitlab::GitAccess do
describe 'check LFS integrity' do
let(:changes) { ['6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/heads/master', '6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/heads/feature'] }
before do
it 'checks LFS integrity only for first change' do
expect_any_instance_of(Gitlab::Checks::LfsIntegrity).to receive(:objects_missing?).exactly(1).times
describe '#check_push_access!' do
before do
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe Gitlab::GitAccessWiki do
let(:access) {, project, 'web', authentication_abilities: authentication_abilities, redirected_path: redirected_path) }
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) }
let(:project) { create(:project, :wiki_repo) }
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:changes) { ['6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/heads/master'] }
let(:redirected_path) { nil }
......@@ -48,6 +48,18 @@ describe Gitlab::GitAccessWiki do
it 'give access to download wiki code' do
expect { subject }.not_to raise_error
context 'when the wiki repository does not exist' do
it 'returns not found' do
wiki_repo =
# Sanity check for rm_rf
expect(wiki_repo.exists?).to eq(false)
expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gitlab::GitAccess::UnauthorizedError, 'A repository for this project does not exist yet.')
context 'when wiki feature is disabled' do
......@@ -154,6 +154,12 @@ describe Gitlab::SQL::Pattern do
it 'returns a single equality condition' do
expect(fuzzy_arel_match.to_sql).to match(/title.*I?LIKE 'fo'/)
it 'uses LOWER instead of ILIKE when LOWER is enabled' do
rel = Issue.fuzzy_arel_match(:title, query, lower_exact_match: true)
expect(rel.to_sql).to match(/LOWER\(.*title.*\).*=.*'fo'/)
context 'with two words both equal to 3 chars' do
......@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ describe GoogleApi::CloudPlatform::Client do
"initial_node_count": cluster_size,
"node_config": {
"machine_type": machine_type
"legacy_abac": {
"enabled": true
} )
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ describe Ci::Build do
allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:jobs_cache_index).and_return(1)
it { be_an(Array).and all(include(key: "key_1")) }
it { be_an(Array).and all(include(key: "key-1")) }
context 'when project does not have jobs_cache_index' do
......@@ -496,6 +496,14 @@ describe User do
user2.update_tracked_fields!(request) change { user2.reload.current_sign_in_at }
it 'does not write if the DB is in read-only mode' do
expect(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:read_only?).and_return(true)
expect do
end.not_to change { user.reload.current_sign_in_at }
shared_context 'user keys' do
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe API::Internal do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:key) { create(:key, user: user) }
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) }
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :wiki_repo) }
let(:secret_token) { Gitlab::Shell.secret_token }
let(:gl_repository) { "project-#{}" }
let(:reference_counter) { double('ReferenceCounter') }
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ describe 'Git HTTP requests' do
let(:path) { "/#{wiki.repository.full_path}.git" }
context "when the project is public" do
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :public, :wiki_enabled) }
let(:project) { create(:project, :wiki_repo, :public, :wiki_enabled) }
it_behaves_like 'pushes require Basic HTTP Authentication'
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ describe 'Git HTTP requests' do
context 'but the repo is disabled' do
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :public, :repository_disabled, :wiki_enabled) }
let(:project) { create(:project, :wiki_repo, :public, :repository_disabled, :wiki_enabled) }
it_behaves_like 'pulls are allowed'
it_behaves_like 'pushes are allowed'
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ describe 'Git HTTP requests' do
context "when the project is private" do
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :private, :wiki_enabled) }
let(:project) { create(:project, :wiki_repo, :private, :wiki_enabled) }
it_behaves_like 'pulls require Basic HTTP Authentication'
it_behaves_like 'pushes require Basic HTTP Authentication'
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ describe 'Git HTTP requests' do
context 'but the repo is disabled' do
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :private, :repository_disabled, :wiki_enabled) }
let(:project) { create(:project, :wiki_repo, :private, :repository_disabled, :wiki_enabled) }
it 'allows clones' do
download(path, user: user.username, password: user.password) do |response|
......@@ -89,6 +89,19 @@ shared_examples 'handle uploads' do
context "when neither the uploader nor the model exists" do
before do
allow_any_instance_of(Upload).to receive(:build_uploader).and_return(nil)
allow(controller).to receive(:find_model).and_return(nil)
it "responds with status 404" do
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(404)
context "when the file doesn't exist" do
before do
allow_any_instance_of(FileUploader).to receive(:exists?).and_return(false)
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