BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 03ea7d72 by Kamil Trzciński

Merge branch '22307-pipeline-link-in-builds-view' into 'master'

Resolve "Link from build page to its pipeline" ## What does this MR do? Adds references and links to a build's pipeline within both individual build pages and the build index. ## Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check? Nothing springs to mind ## Why was this MR needed? See #22307 ## Screenshots (if relevant) ![Screen_Shot_2016-10-24_at_3.45.39_PM_copy](/uploads/e6e8745a0a39d8b71c007e7df5fbd051/Screen_Shot_2016-10-24_at_3.45.39_PM_copy.png) ![Screen_Shot_2016-10-24_at_3.46.03_PM_copy](/uploads/3e2eb656347751f10bf62891b56ebcc7/Screen_Shot_2016-10-24_at_3.46.03_PM_copy.png) ## Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria? - [x] [CHANGELOG]( entry added - Tests - [x] All builds are passing - [x] Conform by the [merge request performance guides]( - [x] Conform by the [style guides]( - [x] Branch has no merge conflicts with `master` (if it does - rebase it please) - [x] [Squashed related commits together]( ## What are the relevant issue numbers? Closes #22307 See merge request !7082
parents 26889573 d949db05
......@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@
font-weight: 600;
.commit {
.generic_commit_status {
padding: 10px 0;
position: relative;
......@@ -102,7 +103,6 @@
vertical-align: baseline;
.avatar {
margin-left: -46px;
......@@ -109,10 +109,6 @@
float: none;
.api {
color: $code-color;
.branch-commit {
.branch-name {
......@@ -82,6 +82,10 @@ module GitlabRoutingHelper
namespace_project_merge_request_path(entity.project.namespace, entity.project, entity, *args)
def pipeline_path(pipeline, *args)
namespace_project_pipeline_path(pipeline.project.namespace, pipeline.project,, *args)
def milestone_path(entity, *args)
namespace_project_milestone_path(entity.project.namespace, entity.project, entity, *args)
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
= ci_status_with_icon(@build.status)
%strong ##{}
in pipeline
= link_to pipeline_path(@build.pipeline) do
%strong ##{}
for commit
= link_to ci_status_path(@build.pipeline) do
%strong= @build.pipeline.short_sha
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
%th Status
%th Build
%th Pipeline
- if admin
%th Project
%th Runner
......@@ -19,6 +20,6 @@
%th Coverage
= render partial: "projects/ci/builds/build", collection: builds, as: :build, locals: { commit_sha: true, ref: true, stage: true, allow_retry: true, coverage: admin || project.build_coverage_enabled?, admin: admin }
= render partial: "projects/ci/builds/build", collection: builds, as: :build, locals: { commit_sha: true, ref: true, pipeline_link: true, stage: true, allow_retry: true, coverage: admin || project.build_coverage_enabled?, admin: admin }
= paginate builds, theme: 'gitlab'
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
- ref = local_assigns.fetch(:ref, nil)
- commit_sha = local_assigns.fetch(:commit_sha, nil)
- retried = local_assigns.fetch(:retried, false)
- pipeline_link = local_assigns.fetch(:pipeline_link, false)
- stage = local_assigns.fetch(:stage, false)
- coverage = local_assigns.fetch(:coverage, false)
- allow_retry = local_assigns.fetch(:allow_retry, false)
......@@ -51,6 +52,16 @@
- if build.manual?
%span.label.label-info manual
- if pipeline_link
= link_to pipeline_path(build.pipeline) do
%span.pipeline-id ##{}
%span by
- if build.pipeline.user
= user_avatar(user: build.pipeline.user, size: 20)
- else
%span.monospace API
- if admin
- if build.project
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
- if stage
= stage.titleize
= render statuses.latest_ci_stages, coverage: @project.build_coverage_enabled?, stage: false, ref: false, allow_retry: true
= render statuses.retried_ci_stages, coverage: @project.build_coverage_enabled?, stage: false, ref: false, retried: true
%td{colspan: 10}
= render statuses.latest_ci_stages, coverage: @project.build_coverage_enabled?, stage: false, ref: false, pipeline_link: false, allow_retry: true
= render statuses.retried_ci_stages, coverage: @project.build_coverage_enabled?, stage: false, ref: false, pipeline_link: false, retried: true
%td{colspan: 10}
......@@ -15,6 +15,16 @@
- if defined?(retried) && retried
= icon('warning', class: 'text-warning has-tooltip', title: 'Status was retried.')
- if defined?(pipeline_link) && pipeline_link
= link_to pipeline_path(generic_commit_status.pipeline) do
%span.pipeline-id ##{}
%span by
- if generic_commit_status.pipeline.user
= user_avatar(user: generic_commit_status.pipeline.user, size: 20)
- else
%span.monospace API
- if defined?(commit_sha) && commit_sha
= link_to generic_commit_status.short_sha, namespace_project_commit_path(generic_commit_status.project.namespace, generic_commit_status.project, generic_commit_status.sha), class: "monospace"
title: Add link to build pipeline within individual build pages
merge_request: 7082
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'projects/ci/builds/_build' do
include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers
let(:project) { create(:project) }
let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, id: 1337, project: project, sha: }
let(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test', stage_idx: 1, name: 'rspec 0:2', status: :pending) }
before do
allow(view).to receive(:can?).and_return(true)
it 'won\'t include a column with a link to its pipeline by default' do
render partial: 'projects/ci/builds/build', locals: { build: build }
expect(rendered).not_to have_link('#1337')
expect(rendered).not_to have_text('#1337 by API')
it 'can include a column with a link to its pipeline' do
render partial: 'projects/ci/builds/build', locals: { build: build, pipeline_link: true }
expect(rendered).to have_link('#1337')
expect(rendered).to have_text('#1337 by API')
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'projects/generic_commit_statuses/_generic_commit_status.html.haml' do
include Devise::Test::ControllerHelpers
let(:project) { create(:project) }
let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, id: 1337, project: project, sha: }
let(:generic_commit_status) { create(:generic_commit_status, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'external', name: 'jenkins', stage_idx: 3) }
before do
allow(view).to receive(:can?).and_return(true)
it 'won\'t include a column with a link to its pipeline by default' do
render partial: 'projects/generic_commit_statuses/generic_commit_status', locals: { generic_commit_status: generic_commit_status }
expect(rendered).not_to have_link('#1337')
expect(rendered).not_to have_text('#1337 by API')
it 'can include a column with a link to its pipeline' do
render partial: 'projects/generic_commit_statuses/generic_commit_status', locals: { generic_commit_status: generic_commit_status, pipeline_link: true }
expect(rendered).to have_link('#1337')
expect(rendered).to have_text('#1337 by API')
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