BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 03438886 by Shinya Maeda

Change column to file_sha256. Add test. Add changelog

parent a1c612ce
title: Store sha256 checksum to job artifacts
merge_request: 17354
type: performance
......@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ class AddChecksumToCiJobArtifacts < ActiveRecord::Migration
DOWNTIME = false
def change
add_column :ci_job_artifacts, :checksum, :binary
add_column :ci_job_artifacts, :file_sha256, :binary
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20180304204842) do
t.datetime_with_timezone "updated_at", null: false
t.datetime_with_timezone "expire_at"
t.string "file"
t.binary "checksum"
t.binary "file_sha256"
add_index "ci_job_artifacts", ["expire_at", "job_id"], name: "index_ci_job_artifacts_on_expire_at_and_job_id", using: :btree
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ module API
optional 'file.path', type: String, desc: %q(path to locally stored body (generated by Workhorse))
optional '', type: String, desc: %q(real filename as send in Content-Disposition (generated by Workhorse))
optional 'file.type', type: String, desc: %q(real content type as send in Content-Type (generated by Workhorse))
optional 'file.sha256', type: String, desc: %q(checksum of the file)
optional 'file.sha256', type: String, desc: %q(sha256 checksum of the file)
optional 'metadata.path', type: String, desc: %q(path to locally stored body (generated by Workhorse))
optional '', type: String, desc: %q(filename (generated by Workhorse))
......@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ module API
expire_in = params['expire_in'] ||
job.build_job_artifacts_archive(project: job.project, file_type: :archive, file: artifacts, checksum: params['file.sha256'], expire_in: expire_in)
job.build_job_artifacts_archive(project: job.project, file_type: :archive, file: artifacts, file_sha256: params['file.sha256'], expire_in: expire_in)
job.build_job_artifacts_metadata(project: job.project, file_type: :metadata, file: metadata, expire_in: expire_in) if metadata
job.artifacts_expire_in = expire_in
......@@ -1100,11 +1100,13 @@ describe API::Runner do
context 'posts artifacts file and metadata file' do
let!(:artifacts) { file_upload }
let!(:artifacts_sha256) { Digest::SHA256.file(artifacts.path).hexdigest }
let!(:metadata) { file_upload2 }
let(:stored_artifacts_file) { job.reload.artifacts_file.file }
let(:stored_metadata_file) { job.reload.artifacts_metadata.file }
let(:stored_artifacts_size) { job.reload.artifacts_size }
let(:stored_artifacts_sha256) { job.reload.job_artifacts_archive.file_sha256 }
before do
post(api("/jobs/#{}/artifacts"), post_data, headers_with_token)
......@@ -1114,6 +1116,7 @@ describe API::Runner do
let(:post_data) do
{ 'file.path' => artifacts.path,
'' => artifacts.original_filename,
'file.sha256' => artifacts_sha256,
'metadata.path' => metadata.path,
'' => metadata.original_filename }
......@@ -1123,6 +1126,7 @@ describe API::Runner do
expect(stored_artifacts_file.original_filename).to eq(artifacts.original_filename)
expect(stored_metadata_file.original_filename).to eq(metadata.original_filename)
expect(stored_artifacts_size).to eq(72821)
expect(stored_artifacts_sha256).to eq(artifacts_sha256)
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