BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 0267a645 by Fatih Acet

Remove CS MergeConflictResolver class.

parent 4d8b0293
#= require lib/vue
class window.MergeConflictResolver extends Vue
constructor: (options = {}) ->
options.el = '#conflicts' = @getInitialData() = 'MergeConflictResolver'
options.created = -> @fetchData()
options.computed =
conflictsCount : -> @getConflictsCount()
resolvedCount : -> @getResolvedCount()
allResolved : -> @isAllResolved()
super options
window.v = this
fetchData: ->
url : './conflicts.json'
success: (response) =>
@handleResponse response
handleResponse: (data) ->
@isLoading = no
@conflictsData = @decorateData data
handleViewTypeChange: (newType) ->
return if newType is @diffView
return unless newType in [ 'parallel', 'inline' ]
@diffView = newType
$.cookie 'diff_view', newType
@isParallel = @diffView is 'parallel'
# FIXME: Maybe even better with vue.js
$('.container-fluid').toggleClass 'container-limited'
handleSelected: (sectionId, selection) ->
@resolutionData[sectionId] = selection
#FIXME: Dry!!
for file in @conflictsData.files
for line in file.inlineLines
if is sectionId and (line.conflict or line.isHeader)
if selection is 'head' and line.isHead
line.isSelected = yes
line.isUnselected = no
else if selection is 'origin' and line.isOrigin
line.isSelected = yes
line.isUnselected = no
line.isUnselected = yes
line.isSelected = no
for section, lines of file.parallelLines
for line in lines
if is sectionId and (line.lineType is 'conflict' or line.isHeader)
if selection is 'head' and line.isHead
line.isSelected = yes
line.isUnselected = no
else if selection is 'origin' and line.isOrigin
line.isSelected = yes
line.isUnselected = no
line.isUnselected = yes
line.isSelected = no
decorateData: (data) ->
headHeaderText = 'HEAD//our changes'
originHeaderText = 'origin//their changes'
data.shortCommitSha = data.commit_sha.slice 0, 7
data.commitMessage = data.commit_message
@updateResolutionsData data
# FIXME: Add comments and separate parallel and inline data decoration
for file in data.files
file.parallelLines = { left: [], right: [] }
file.inlineLines = []
currentLineType = 'old'
for section in file.sections
{ conflict, lines, id } = section
if conflict
# FIXME: Make these lines better
file.parallelLines.left.push { isHeader: yes, id, richText: headHeaderText, section: 'head', isHead: yes, isSelected: no, isUnselected: no }
file.parallelLines.right.push { isHeader: yes, id, richText: originHeaderText, section: 'origin', isOrigin: yes, isSelected: no, isUnselected: no }
file.inlineLines.push { isHeader: yes, id, richText: headHeaderText, type: 'old', section: 'head', isHead: yes, isSelected: no, isUnselected: no }
for line in lines
if line.type in ['new', 'old'] and currentLineType isnt line.type
currentLineType = line.type
# FIXME: Find a better way to add a new line
file.inlineLines.push { lineType: 'emptyLine', richText: '<span> </span>' }
# FIXME: Make these lines better
line.conflict = conflict = id
line.isHead = line.type is 'new'
line.isOrigin = line.type is 'old'
line.isSelected = no
line.isUnselected = no
line.richText = line.rich_text
file.inlineLines.push line
if conflict
if line.type is 'old'
line = { lineType: 'conflict', lineNumber: line.old_line, richText: line.rich_text, section: 'head', id, isSelected: no, isUnselected: no, isHead: yes }
file.parallelLines.left.push line
else if line.type is 'new'
line = { lineType: 'conflict', lineNumber: line.new_line, richText: line.rich_text, section: 'origin', id, isSelected: no, isUnselected: no, isOrigin: yes }
file.parallelLines.right.push line
console.log 'unhandled line type...', line
file.parallelLines.left.push { lineType: 'context', lineNumber: line.old_line, richText: line.rich_text }
file.parallelLines.right.push { lineType: 'context', lineNumber: line.new_line, richText: line.rich_text }
if conflict
file.inlineLines.push { isHeader: yes, id, type: 'new', richText: originHeaderText, section: 'origin', isOrigin: yes, isSelected: no, isUnselected: no }
return data
getConflictsCount: -> return Object.keys(@resolutionData).length
getResolvedCount: ->
count = 0
count++ for id, resolution of @resolutionData when resolution
return count
isAllResolved: -> return @resolvedCount is @conflictsCount
updateResolutionsData: (data) ->
for file in data.files
for section in file.sections when section.conflict
@$set "resolutionData['#{}']", no
getInitialData: ->
diffViewType = $.cookie 'diff_view'
return {
isLoading : yes
isParallel : diffViewType is 'parallel'
diffView : diffViewType
conflictsData : {}
resolutionData : {}
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