BigW Consortium Gitlab

references.feature 1.31 KB
Feature: Project Issues References
    Given I sign in as "John Doe"
    And public project "Community"
    And "John Doe" owns public project "Community"
    And project "Community" has "Community issue" open issue
    And I logout
    And I sign in as "Mary Jane"
    And private project "Enterprise"
    And "Mary Jane" owns private project "Enterprise"
    And project "Enterprise" has "Enterprise issue" open issue
    And project "Enterprise" has "Enterprise fix" open merge request
    And I visit issue page "Enterprise issue"
    And I leave a comment referencing issue "Community issue"
    And I visit merge request page "Enterprise fix"
    And I leave a comment referencing issue "Community issue"
    And I logout

  Scenario: Viewing the public issue as a "John Doe"
    Given I sign in as "John Doe"
    When I visit issue page "Community issue"
    Then I should not see any related merge requests
    And I should see no notes at all

  Scenario: Viewing the public issue as "Mary Jane"
    Given I sign in as "Mary Jane"
    When I visit issue page "Community issue"
    Then I should see the "Enterprise fix" related merge request
    And I should see a note linking to "Enterprise fix" merge request
    And I should see a note linking to "Enterprise issue" issue