BigW Consortium Gitlab

new.html.haml 1.17 KB Authorize required
%main{:role => "main"}
    to use your account?
  - if @pre_auth.scopes
      %p This application will be able to:
        - @pre_auth.scopes.each do |scope|
          %li= t scope, scope: [:doorkeeper, :scopes]
    = form_tag oauth_authorization_path, method: :post do
      = hidden_field_tag :client_id, @pre_auth.client.uid
      = hidden_field_tag :redirect_uri, @pre_auth.redirect_uri
      = hidden_field_tag :state, @pre_auth.state
      = hidden_field_tag :response_type, @pre_auth.response_type
      = hidden_field_tag :scope, @pre_auth.scope
      = submit_tag "Authorize", class: "btn btn-success wide pull-left"
    = form_tag oauth_authorization_path, method: :delete do
      = hidden_field_tag :client_id, @pre_auth.client.uid
      = hidden_field_tag :redirect_uri, @pre_auth.redirect_uri
      = hidden_field_tag :state, @pre_auth.state
      = hidden_field_tag :response_type, @pre_auth.response_type
      = hidden_field_tag :scope, @pre_auth.scope
      = submit_tag "Deny", class: "btn btn-danger prepend-left-10"