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  • Timothy Andrew's avatar
    Allow registering users where the username contains dots (.). · 78b6d662
    Timothy Andrew authored
    Javascript does not support the negative lookbehind assertion (?<!) used
    in the Ruby regex (to disallow usernames ending in `.git` or `.atom`.
    Getting the client side code to fully support this format is
    non-trivial, since we'd either have to heavily complicate the
    regex used, or modify the frontend code to support more complex
    validation schemes (it currently uses HTML5 validations).
    The pragmatic choice is to create a
    `Gitlab::Regex::NAMESPACE_REGEX_STR_SIMPLE` regex to serve as a
    Javascript-compatible version of `NAMESPACE_REGEX_STR`.
    The client-side code will not display an error for usernames ending in
    `.git` and `.atom`, but these will be caught by the server-side