BigW Consortium Gitlab

edit.html.haml 1.09 KB
%h3.page_title Edit Group
= form_for [:admin, @group] do |f|
  - if @group.errors.any?
      %span= @group.errors.full_messages.first
    = f.label :name do
      Group name is
      = f.text_field :name, placeholder: "Example Group", class: "xxlarge"

    = f.label :description, "Details"
      = f.text_area :description, maxlength: 250, class: "xxlarge js-gfm-input", rows: 4

    = f.label :path do
      %span.cred Group path is
      = f.text_field :path, placeholder: "example-group", class: "xxlarge danger"
        %li Changing group path can have unintended side effects.
        %li Renaming group path will rename directory for all related projects
        %li It will change web url for access group and group projects.
        %li It will change the git path to repositories under this group.

    = f.submit 'Edit group', class: "btn btn-remove"
    = link_to  'Cancel', admin_groups_path, class: "btn btn-cancel"